Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

40 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. declared what they believed in all the twelve particulars"; and it appears, my author adds, that theyheld very few or none of those false doctrines or positions with which they were charged Greenwood and Mr. Barrow united with about sixty other prisoners, in laying their case at the feet of the lord treasurer. This they did by presenting a petition to this honourable person, called cc The humble Petition of many poor Christians, imprisoned by the Bishops in sundry Prisons in and about London." In this petition, they earnestly beseech this great statesman, either to grant them speedy trial, or some christian conference ; or, in the mean time, that they might be bailed according to law : or, that he would move their cause before the rest of her majesty's most honourable privycouncil. They then state their case in the following very moving language :-" May it please "your lordship to understand, that we, her majesty's loyal, " dutiful, and true-hearted subjects, to the number of three- " score persons and upwards, have, contrary to all law and " equity, been imprisoned, separated from our trades, wives, " children and families ; yea, shut up close prisoners from " all comfort : many of us the space of two years and a " half, upon the bishops' sole commandment, in great " penury, and noisome prisons ; many ending their lives, "never called to trial ; some haled forth to_the sessions ; " some put in irons and dungeons ; some in hunger and " famine. All of them debarred from any lawful audience cc before our honourable governors and magistrates, and " from all help and benefit of the laws : daily defamed and " falsely accused, by published pamphlets, private sug- "gestions, open preaching, slanders, and accusations of heresy, sedition, schism, and what not. And above all, " (which most toucheth our salvation,) they keep us from " all spiritual edification and comfort, by doctrine, prayer, "or Mutual conference."-f This petition, however, did not succeed according to their wishes. During their long and severe imprisonment, various pamphlets were published against them, whereby their characters were foully aspersed, and their sentiments ex- ceedingly misrepresented. In reply, they published several pamphlets, in defence of themselvesand their opinions, and endeavoured to set forth the truth in its proper light. Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Barrow were supposed to be the authors MS. Chronology, vol. ii. p. 425. (2) (3.) Strype's Annals, vol. iv. p. 91.-93.