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68 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. denomination of particular baptists. Mr. Strype writes of Mr. Penry with very great acrimony.. Mr. Foulis, with great injustice and falsehood, says, " Ile was a man so much guilty of his own villanies, that, with Cain, he feared death from every man's hand ; and, therefore, was forced to skulk and ramble amongst his friends for Protec- tion."+ These accounts of so learned, laborious, and pious a man, remind us of the case of some of the primitive christians, who, being dressed in bears' skins, were cast among wild beasts tobetorn in pieces. Mr. Penry was the author of several learned works ; but it was never proved that he had any hand in the writings under the title of Martin Mar-Prelate. Though mostof the high churchmen ascribe them to him and several others, it is well known the real authors were never found out ; consequently, the charge is without foundation. The following is supposed to be a correct list of his writings, though we dare not warrant them all to have been his. His WORKS.-1. A Treatise containing the Equity of an Humble Supplicationwhich is to be exhibited untoher Gracious Majesty and this High Court of Parliament,in the behalf ofthe Country of Wales, that some Order may be taken for the Preaching of the Gospel among those People, 1587.-2. AView of some part of such Public Wants and Disorders as are in the Service of God, within her Majesty's Countryof Wales ; with an Humble Petition to the High Court. of Parliament for their speedy Redress, 1588.-3. A. Defence of that which halls been written in the Questions of the Ignorant Ministry,and the Communicating with them, 1588.-4. Exhortation unto the Governors and People of her Majesty's Country tit' Wales, to labour earnestly to have the Preaching of the Gospel planted among them, 1588,-5. Dialogue ; wherein is plainly laid open the Tyrannical Dealings of the Lords Bishops against God's Children, . 1589.-6. Treatise, wherein is manifestly proved, that Reformation, and those that sincerely favour the same, are unjustly charged to be Enemies to her Majesty and the State, 1590.-7. The State of the Church of England.-8. Petition of Peace.-9. His Apology.-10. Of public Ministry.-11. History of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram, appliedto the Prelacy, Ministry, and Church-Assembliesof England, 1609. TITOMAS GATAKER, A. B.-He was descended from a very ancient and respectable family at Gatacre-hall, in Shropshire. 1-16 parents, who were zealous papists, designed him for the law ; for which purpose, he was entered a student at the Temple. While in this situation, Strype's Whitgift, p1146-350.-Annals, vol. iii, p. 611-616. Faulis's Hist. of Plots, p. 61.