Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

SMART. 93 and compassion for him, that during his imprisonment, they raisedhim £400 a year.. Bishop Laud, it should be observed, was the leading person in all the cruelties inflicted upon Mr. Smart.+ November 12, 1640, the humble petition of Mr. Peter Smart, prisoner in the King's-bench, complaining of the hard usage he had met with, was read in the house of commons, when it was referred to the committee appointed to consider the petition of Dr. Leightonand others. The house further ordered, " That Mr. Smart, in all his particulars, shall have the same liberty as that granted to Dr. Leighton, and shall have copies of the records in the king's-bench and the high commissiongratis." On January 12th following, an order passed the house, " That Dr. Easdale, Roger Blanchard, and Phineas Hodson, D. t. shall shew cause to this house why they do not pay the monies adjudged to be paid to Mr. Peter Smart, upon a judgment in the king's-bench, against the said Easdale, Granger's Biog. Dist. vol. ii. p. 170. Prynne's Cant. Doonrie, p. 78, 93, 493.-During Mr. Smart's confine- ment in prison, he received a letter fromMrs. Smart, datedWitten-Gilbart, Apri16, 1632. This letter, which is said to be " larded with cant, and to be a specimen of female casuistical' puritanism," was as follows:- " Most loving and dearly beloved husband, " The grace and blessing of God be with you, even as unto mine owne soule and body, so do I dayly in my hasty prayer wish unto you "and my children ; for I doe dayly twisd, at the.least, in this sort ' remember you. And I do not doubte, deere husband, but that both you " and 1, as we be written in the booke of life, so we shall together enjoy " the saime everlastingly2 throught the saveing grace and mercy of God,, " our deare Father, in his Soonne our Christ and for this present life, let "us wholly appointe ourselves to the will of our God, to glorifie him, " whether by life or by death; and even that merciful) Lord make no " worthy to honor him either way, as pleasethhim, Amen. Ye what great " cause of rejoysing have we in our most gratious God, we can not but , " brust fourth into the prasing of such a bountiful) God, which maide you " worthy to suffer for his name and worde saike: for it is given to you of " God, not only that ye should believe in him; but also, that ye should " suffer for his saik, 1 Peter, 4, 5. Yf ye suffer rebuke in the name of " Christ, that is, in Christ's cause, for his truths sake, then ar ye happy " and blessed; for the glory of the spirit of God resteth upon you, and " therefore rejoice in the Itord, and againe I say rejoice; for the, distressed " church doth yet suffer dayly thinges for her mortification, and for this " cause, is contemned and despised. But alas! if thy servant David, it " thine onely Soonne our Saviour Christ livede in shameand contempt, and weere a moking stocke for the people ; whie should not we then " patiently suffer all things, that we might enter into glory, throughmany " troubles, vexations, shame, and ignominy, &c.-The blessing of God be " with all, Amen, pray, pray.-Your loving and faithfull wife untill " death, " SUSANNA SMART," Xilustration ofNoe, p. 61-70.