LOVE. 135 of the book of life. Father, my hour is come. Thypoor creature can say, without vanity and falsehood, he bath desired to glorify thee on earth ; glorify thou him now in heaven. He bath desired to bring the souls of other men to heaven ; let now his soul be brought to heaven. 0 thou blessed God ! whom thy creature bath served, who bath made thee his hope and his confidence from his youth ; forsake him not now in his drawing nigh to thee. Now that he is in the valley of the shadow of death, Lord, be thou life unto him. Smile thou upon him, while men frown upon him. Lord, thou bast settled the persuasion in his heart, that, as soon as the blow is given to divide his head from his body, he shall be united, to his Head in heaven. Blessed be God, that thy servant dies in these hopes. Blessed be God, that thou hast filled the soul of thy servant with joy and peace in believing. 0 Lord, think upon that poor brother of mine, who is a companion with me in tribulation; and who is this day to lose his life as well as myself.* 0 fill him full of the joys of the Holy Ghost, when he is to give up the ghost. Lord, strengthen our hearts , that we may giveup the ghost with joy and not with grief. We entreat thee, 0 Lord, think upon thy poor churches. 0 that England may live in thy sight ! 0 that London may be to thee a faithful city ! and that righteous-, ness may be among the people ; that so peace and plenty may be within their walls, and prosperity within their habitations. Lord, heal the breaches of these nations. Make England and Scotland as one staff in the Lord's hand ; that Ephraimmay not envy Judah, nor Judah vex Ephraim ; but that both may fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines. 0 that men of the protestant religion, engaged in the same cause and covenant,may not delight to spill each other's blood, but engage against the common adver- sary of religion and liberty ! God shew mercy to all who fear him. Lord, think upon our covenant-keeping brethren of the kingdom of Scotland. Keep them faithful to thee; and let not those who have invaded them overspread their land. Prevent the sheddingof more christian blood, if it seem good in thine eyes. God, shew mercy to thy poor servant, who is now giving up the ghost. 0 blessed Jesus, apply thyblood, not only for my justification unto life, but also for my comfort, for the quieting of my soul, that so. I may be in the joys of heavers before I come to the posses- His fellow-sufferer, who was beheaded the same day, for being con- cerned in the same plot, n as Mr. Gibbons,