j36 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. sion of heaven. Hear the prayers of all thy people that have been offered up for thy servant. And though thou bast denied prayer concerning my life, let the fruit of prayer be seen, by bearing up my heart against the fear of death. 0God, shew mercy to all that fear:thee, and to all who have engaged for the life of thy servant : Let them have mercy in the day of their appearing before Jesus Christ. Preserve thou a godly ministry in this nation, and restore a godly magistracy, and cause good days to be the heritage of thy people, for the Lord's eke. Now, Lord, into thy hands I commit my spirit. And though thy servant may not, with Stephen, see the heavens open ; yet, let him have the heavens open : and though he may not see upon a scaffold the Son Of God standing on the right hand of God ; yet, let him come to the glorious presence of .Jesus Christ, and this hour have an intellectual sight of the glorious body of his Saviour. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit And, Lord Jesus, stand by thy dying servant, who in his life hath endeavoured to stand by thee. Lord, hear and pardon all his infirmities;. wash away his iniquity by the blood of Christ ; wipe off reproaches ; wipe off guilt from his person ; and receive him pure, and spotless, and blameless before thee in love. And all this we beg for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen." Mr. Lovehaving ended his prayer, turned, to the sheriff, and said, " I thank you, sir, for your kindness : You have expressed a great deal of kindnessto me." He then asked for the executioner, who coming forwards, he said, " Art thou the officer ?" and beinganswered in the affirmative, he said, with his eyes lifted up to heaven,. " 0 blessed Jesus! who host kept me from the hurt of death, and from the fear of death : 0 blessed be God ! blessed be God !" Then, taking his leave of the ministers and his other friends, he said, " the Lord be with you all." He then kneeled down and made a short prayer ; and, rising up, he said, "Blessed be God, I am full of joy and peace in believing. I lie down with a world of comfort, as if I were to lie down in any bed. I shall .rest in Abraham's bosom, and in the embraces of the Lord Jesus." As he was preparing to lay his head on the block, Mr. Ashe said, 44 Dear `brother, how dost thou find thyheart ?" Mr. Love replied, "I bless God, sir, I am as full of joy and comfort as ever my heart can hold. Blessed be God for Jesus Christ." He then laid himself down, upon the scaffold, with his head over the block; and, stretching forth his hands, the executioner,