VICARS. 143 preaching ministers in his native county." Wood calls him " a learned man, but a severe puritan.". His WORKS.-1. TheSum ofa Disputation between Mr. Walker, Pastor of St. John the Evan., and a Popish Priest, calling himself Mr. Smith, but indeed Norris, 1523.-2. Fisher's Folly Unfolded ; or, the vaunting Jesuit's Challenge Answered, 1621-3. Socinianient in the Fundamental Point of Justification Discovered and Confuted, 1641. -4. The Doctrine of the Holy Weekly Sabbath, 1641.-5. God made Visible in all his Works, 1641.-6. Sermons preached before the Parfianient, 1644, &e. Jolts- VICARS was born in the city of London, in the year 1582, descended from the Vicars in Cumberland, and educated first in Christ-church hospital, London, then in Queen'scollege, Oxford. Having finished his academical studies, he retired to London, and becameusher at Christ's- church, which he kept till towards the close of life. Wood calls him " a puritanical poet, and a zealous brother in the cause ;" and says, that, "upon the commencement of the civil wars, he shewed his great forwardness for presbyte- rianism, hated all people that loved obedience, and affrighted many of the weaker sort, and others, from having any agreement with the king's party, by continually inculcating into their heads strange stories of God's wrath against the cavaliers. Afterwards, when the independents became predominant, he manifested great enmity against them, especially after the king's death."i- He is said to have " hated all people who loved obedience, as the devil doth holy-water; and he could out-scold the boldest face in Billingsgate, especially if kings, bishops, organs, or may- poles, were to be the objects of their zealous indignation. 't He is warmly censured for calling the ceremonies of the church" astinking heap of atheistical and Boman rubbish;" and for saying, " Throw away the rubbish with the Lord's enemies. Vex the Midianites, abolish the Amalekites : let popery find no favour."§ Mr. Vicars was a most furious adversary to the indepen- dents. The title of one of his pieces written against them will afford a curious specimen of the length to which the different parties at that time carried their animosity. It is Fuller's Worthies, part ii. p. 118.-Wood's Athena Oxon. vol. i. p. 840. Wood's Athena, vol. ii. p. 85, 86. Foulis's Mist. of Plots, p. 179. Walker's Attempt, part i. p. 17, 18.