Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

P. YOUNG. 147 Mr. Thomas Rhead in making a Latin version of the works of King James, a task undoubtedly considered as highly important by the royal author. This translation, " which," says Dr. Smith, a will extend to all eternity the fame of this most learned king," appeared in 1619 ; and Mr. Youngwas deputed to' carry the present copy from his majesty to the university of Cambridge, which was received with all due respect in solemn convocation. Mr. Young, in the year 1620, entered into the married state ; and, about the same time, though only in deacon's orders, was presented to the rectory of Hays in Middlesex, and the rectory of Llanindimel in Denbighshire,* and was soon after collated to a prebend of St. Paul's, London, and chosen to the office of treasurer of that church. In 1624, on the death of Mr. Rhead, hewas recommended by Bishop Williams, then keeper of the great seal, to the Duke of Buckingham, as the fittest personin the kingdom to succeed him in the office of Latin secretary. Although he had hitherto published nothing in his own name, he appears to have acquired a high character among the learned, both at home and abroad, many of the latter of whom corres- ponded with him upon literary topics, and received from him many signal advantages. When the celebrated John Selden undertook to examine the Arundelian Marbles, he chose Mr. Young for one of his companions; and he derived so' much assistance from him in drawing up the account of these' valuable remains, that, passing by all patrons of higher rank, he inscribed his " Marmora Arun- deleana" to Mr. Young, in an affectionate and grateful dedication, which confers honour on both the friends.+ The famous Alexandrian manuscript of the Old and New Testament being added to the treasures of the royal library, Mr. Young employed himself assiduously in col- lating it with other manuscripts and printed books, and communicated many various readings to Grotius, Usher, and other learned men. It was his intention to print the whole in types similar to the letters of the original, and he publisheda specimen of his design ; but some circumstances occurred to prevent it from being accornplished.t The cause of its failure Bishop Kennet ascribes to the puritans; and says, "that religion and learning wereso little countenanced by the parliament and assembly of divines, that theynever Walker's Attempt, part ii. p. 50. + Atkins Lives of Selden and Usher, p. 568-271. Ibid. p. 272.