Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

MATHER. 443 and diligent in,private preparation, by reading, meditation, and prayer.-That in and after preaching I will earnestly strive against -inward pride and vain-glory.-That before and after preaching I will seek unto the Lord for his blessing upon his word, more carefully than in time past. 2. " Touchingmy family.-That I will be More frequent in religious discourse with those in my house, and be more careful in catechizing my children. 3. " Touching myself.-That I will strive more against worldly cares and fears, and the inordinate love of worldly things.-That I will be More frequent and regular in private prayer.-That I will practise more seriously and frequently the duty of self-examination.-That I will strive against carnal security and excessive sleeping.-That I will strive against vain jangling-and the misspending of time. 4. " Touching others.-That I will be more careful and zealous to do good to their souls by private instructions, exhortations, and reproofs.-That I will be ready to do offices of kindness and love, not for the praise of meta, or to purchase commendation, but out of conscience to the com- mand of God. " Renewed with a profession of my own inability, and a desire that I may fetch power from Christ, to live upon him, and act from him in all spiritual duties. June 15, 1636. RICHARD MATHER." Such were the promises andengagements into which this pious divine entered. He was resolved, by the help of the Lord, to devote his time, his talents, and his all, to the honour of his God and the welfare of immortal souls. Mr. Mather preached his last sermon from 2 Tim. iv. 6-8. The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a goodfight. I have.finished my course, cc. He was pre- sently after seized with a total obstruction of urine. Though he laboured under extreme pain, he w=as a pattern of pati ence to all beholders. He never murmured, and seldom groaned, but resigned himself to the will of God. Being asked how he did, he meekly answered, " Far from well, yet better than mine iniquities deserve." When his son reminded him of the Lord's goodness and faithfulness towards him all his days, he immediately replied, " Yes, I must acknowledge the mercy of God bath been very great towards me all my life ; but I must also acknowledge, that I have had many failings, and the thoughts of them abaseth 7rilalf SOULATT '1111011711.