446 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. ZECHARIAH SYMES was born at Canterbury, April 5, 1599, and received his education at Cambridge. He descended from worthy and pious ancestors, who opposed the progress of idolatry, and favoured the gospel, during the persecutions of Queen Mary. He trod in the steps of his forefathers ; was pious from a child, averse to supersti- tious novelties in divine worship, and a sufferer for noncon- formity. After finishing his studies at the university, he was employed by several persons of quality as tutor to their children ; yet not without molestation from the prelates. In the -year 1621 he was chosen lecturer at St. Antholin's church, London ; where he met with many troubles from the ecclesiastical courts, for refusing to observe certain rites and ceremonies contrary to the convictions of his conscience. He was, at length, obliged to leave the place, when he removed, in 1625, to Dunstable ; but there his persecutors followed him. He was often summoned to appear in the bishops' courts, and interrupted in his ministry ; and seeing no prospect of better days in his own country, he withdrew from the cruel persecution, in the year 1635, and fled to New England. Upon his arrival in the new colony he was chosen teacher to the church at Charlestown, of which Mr. James was pastor, where he continued the remainder of his days. He was a man of excellent abilities, integrity, and zeal,' and a reverend and laborious preacher.. *He died February 4, 1670, in .the seventy-first year of his age. Mr. Symes being invited to assist in the formation or a christian church at Woburn in New England, it is said, " he continued in preaching and prayer about four or five hoirrs."+ He appears, however, to have exercised some degree of severity against the baptists.$ JOHN DAVENPORT, B. D.-This learned divine was born at Coventry, in the year 1597, and educated first in Merton college, then in Magdalen-hall, Oxford. Having finished his studies at the university, he was called to preach in London, where h=s rare ministerial endowments, and his pious courage in visiting the Sick during the raging of the ,plague, soon brought him into public notice. His sermons were distin itished by the labour with which they were prepared, and by the gravity, the energy, the plea- . Hist. of New Eng. p. 70.--Mather's Hist. b. iii. p. 131, 192. + Morse and Parish's Hist. p. 110. Backus's Hist. of Baptists, vol. i. p. 362,