Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

ADDENDA. 515 at his examination to confess whether any other persons were concerned in this petition, he refused to answer; lest, as he said, he should bring others into trouble as well as himself. His petition is entered in the commons' journal.. THOMAS NEWHOUSE, B. D. was educated in Christ's college, Cambridge, and chosen fellow of the house. He afterwards became minister of St. Andrew's church, Nor- wich, where he proved himself to be a learned and pious divine. Being, it is supposed, in some trouble for noncon- formity, he sent his " Theses about Things Indifferent," to Bishop Jegon, his diocesan, in 1606. He was author of a volume of Sermons, published in 1614.+ One T. N. wrote an " Account of Church Discipline," and an "Answer to the Archbishop's twenty-one Articles," copies of which are still preserved. This was probably the same person4 THOMAS EDMUNDS, B. D. was a puritan minister of dis- tinguished eminence, and a person of great moderation. He was a member of the presbytery erected at Wandsworth in 1573 ;4 and about the same time he was cast into prison, it is said, " for the testimony of the truth."11 Afterwards he sub- scribed the " Book of Discipline." Being convened before the high commission and the star-chamber, in 1590, he took the oath ex officio, and discovered the associationss In the year 1585 he became rector of Alhallows, Bread-street, London, which he kept to the end of his days. He died at a very great age, towards the close of the year 1610. Mr. Richard Stock, another worthy puritan, was his assistant while he lived, and his successor when he died... STEPHEN GOUGHE, A. B. of Magdalen college, Oxford, but afterwards the puritanical rector of Stanmer in Essex. According to Wood, " he was a good logician, and an excellent disputant, but a very severe puritan." He was eminent for training up several famous scholars, among MS. Remarks, p. 551. + MS. Chronology, vol. ii. p. 657. (10.) 1 MS. Register, p. 423, 447. ยง Fuller's Church Hist. b. is. p. 103. Baker's MS. Collec. vol. mil. p. 442. II Bancroft's Dangerous Positions, p. 77. Newcourt's Repent. BM. vol. i. p. 246.-Clark's Lives annexed to Martyr. p. 62.