55S APPENDIX. Strype's Annals of the Reformation, iv. vols. 1709-173L Thurloe's Collection of State Papers, vii. vols. 1732. Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, ii. vols. 1732. Ward's Lives of the Gresham Professors, 1740. Rapin's History of England, vol. ii. 1743. Kennet's Historical Register and Chronicle, 1744. Biome&ld's History of Norfolk, vol. i. and ii. 1739, 1745. Wren's Parentalia, 1750. Warner's History of England, vol. ii. 1759. Biographia Britannica, vii. vols. 1747-1766. Bridges's History of Northamptonshire, ii. vols. 1792. Biographia Britannica, v. vols. 1778-1793. Works in Quarto. Parte of a Register, contayning sundrieMemorable Matters, no date. Examinations of Barrow, Greenwood, and Penry, no date. Bancroft's Dangerous Positions, 1593. --- Survey of the pretended Holy Discipline, 1593. Ainsworth's Counterpoyson, 1608. Paget's Arrow against the Separation of the Brownists, 1618. Ames's Fresh Suit against Human Ceremonies in Cod's Worship, 1633. Huntley's Breviateof the Prelates' intolerable Usurpations, 1637. Paget's Defence of Church Government, 1641. A Briefe Discourse of the Troubles at Frankeford, 1642. Edwards's Antapologia, 1644. Bailie's Dissuasive from the Errors of the Time, 1645. Edwards's Gangreena, iii. parts, 1646. Bailie's Anabaptism, 1647. Cotton's Way of Congregational Churches, 1648. Fuller's Abel Redivivus, 1651. Featley's Dippers Dipt: or the Anabaptists Duck'd, 1651. Paget's Heresiography,1654. Clark's Marrow of Ecclesiastical History, 1654. History of New England, from 1628 to 1652; printed 1654. Bailie's Vindication of his Dissuasive, 1655. Erbey'sTestimony left upon Record, 1658. Morton's Memorial of New England, 1669. Sparrow's Collection ofArticles, injunctions, &c. 1675. Baxter's Second Plea for the Nonconformists,1681. L'Estrange's Dissenters' Sayings, ii. parts,- 1681, Works in Octavo, 85.c. Lupton's History of Protestant Divines, 1637. Heylin's Examen Historicam 1659. Wilkins's Discourse on Preaching, 1678. Paule's Life of Archbishop Whitgift, 1699. Welwood's Memoirs of Transactions, 1700. Barlow's Sum of the Conference at Hampton Court, 1707.