540 APPENDIX. MS. Remarks on History, from the year 1546 to 1640. MS. Chronology of Eminent Persons, iii, vols.. Certamina Ecclesiastica Anglicana, &c.t Thomas's Materials for the History of Churches iliWales. ------ Ecclesiastical History of Wales. History of Churches in Wales.: Meen's MS. Collections.§ This collection, with the two foregoing, being five very large folio volumes, are deposited in Dr. Williams's library, Red-Cross-Street, London. + This collection, now deposited in the Old College library, Homerton. was made by Mr. John Kingdom, by mistake called John Ridge, and who was ejected after the restoration. There is a Supplement to this MS. by Mr. John Corbel, who was also one of the ejected ministers.-Palmer's Noncon. Mein. vol. ii. p. 259. iii. 318. . These three volumes were written fq the late Mr. Joshua Thomas of Leominster ' father to the present Mr. Timothy Thomas of Islington, who generously favoured the author with the use of theta. § This collection was made by Mr. Joseph Meen of Biggleswade in Bed.. fordshire, who very kindly favoured the author with the use of it.