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INDEX. 545 Bedell, Bishop, favoured the union of protestants, iii. 251, n. Bedford, Earl of, a friend to the puritans, i. 304, n. Bellarmine refuted, ii. 77 -his books answered before they were print- ed, 177. Benefield, Sebastian, ii. 365. Benison, Barnaby, i. 292. Bentham, Bishop, account of, i. 165, Bernard, Nathaniel, ii. 900. --, Richard, ii. 459. Bernhere, Mr., iii. 513. Beverly, John, iii. 298. Beza, a letter from, i. 26-his cha- racter. of Cartwright, ii. 148-his translation burnt, 193. Bible, the first translation of, i. 118 -various translations of, 118- 126-opposed by the bishops, 121, 122 -the authorized version of, ii. 179, n. --- first printed in America, iii. 488. Biddle, John, iii. 411. Bilson, Bishop, his famous book, ii. 266, n-Isis doctrine at Paul's cross, 330. Birkenhead, 'Sir John, Isis foul aspersions, Hi. 297. Bishop, anecdote of one, ii. 406, ,s. of Lichfield's letter toGilby, i.281. Bishops, Humphrey's letter to them, i. 370. , in primitive and modern times, i. 197-their superiority by divine appointment, and the de- nial of itaccounted heresy, 55. Bishopric, objections against one, i. 376-oue refused, 377. Bisse, Dr., anecdoteof, ii. 400. Blackerby, Richard, iii. 96. Blacklock, Samuel, iii. 519. Blackman, Adam, iii. 522. Blackstone, Sir William, hisopinion of persecution Pref. xiii. Blackwood, Chriltopher, iii. 389. Blake, Thomas, iii. 269. Blake, Humphrey, enjoined to do penance, iii. 524. Bocher, Joan, burnt, i. 10 - her great zeal, 111. n. Bodies dug up at the restoration, Hi. 16, n. Bodley, Sir Thomas, account of, i. 364, n. Bois, Sir Edward, a friend to the persecuted puritans, ii. 489. Bolton, John, hanged himself, iii. 503. Bolton, Robert, ii. 390. --, Samuel, iii. 223. Bonham ' ' William i. 174. Bonner,Llishop, his cruelties, i. 19, 15, 253. Book of CommonPrayer, when first published, i. 4-objected against, 'i. 255, 265, 286-28g, 317, 352. --, the curious title of one, iii. 144. - of Discipline perfected, ii. 260-subscribed, i. 53. -- of Sports published, i. 68- republished, 77-abolished and burnt, 89-ministers silenced for refusing to read it, ii. 501 ; 173, 176, 178, 185, 374, 520, 526, 529. Booth, Robert, iii. 533. Boothe, Hugh, iii. 503. Boston in New England, why so called, iii. 157. Bound, Nicholas, ii. 171. Bourne, William, iii. 514. Bowen, Evan, iii. 381. Bowes, Sir William, a friend to the persecuted puritans, i. 398. ---, Lady, a generous friend to the puritans, ii. 351, n. Bowles, Oliver, iii. 466. Bradbourn, Theophilus, ii. 362. Bradford, John, a famous noncon- formist, i. 12. Bradshaw, William, ii. 264. Bradshaw ' Mrs., convened before the high commission, ii. 268. Bradstreet, Mr., iii. 519. Brayne, Edward, i. 289. Brewer, Thomas, ii. 444. ,Brewster, William, account of, ii. 341, n. Bridger B., iii. 514. Bright, iii. 262. --, Francis, iii. 518. Brightman, Thomas, ii. 182. Broad-mead, Bristol, the baptist churchthere when formed,iii.333. Brodet, Mr., iii. 521. Broklesby, Mr., iii. 502. Bromley, Lady, a great friend to the puritans, ii. 441. Brook, Lord,account of, ii. 353, n. Brought4sn, Hugh, ii. 215. Brown, Nicholas, i. 275. --, Robert, ii. 366. --, Lady, iii. 251, n. John, iii. 505. Browning, John, i. 302.