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550 INDEX. Lever, Thomas, i. 213. -, Ralph, iii. 597. Levingston prosecuted, ii. 482, n. Ley, John, iii. 403. Liberality recommended, ii. 440. Library, the royal, some account of, iii. 359, 360. Lichfield cathedral, repaired atgreat expense, iii. 518. Lilburne,John, his cruel punishment, i. 83. Lincolnshire ministers, their suppli- cation to the council, ii. 87. Littleton, Edmund, i. 405. Lloyd, Morgan, iii. 329. Lockhart's letter toThurloc, Hi. 358. London, the city of, petitioned the parliament, i. 40. ' - ministers petitioned parlia- ment, 93-declared against the king's death, 94, n. Lord, Edward, 1. 407. Lord's day, the services of, how ob- served, iii. 179. Lord-bishops and archbishops made from policy, H. 189-their titles accounted blasphemous, 190. Lords and commons,a, list of, to as- sist the assembly of divines, i.9I,n. Lots, account of the controversy about, iii. 205-207. Love, Christopher, iii. 115. Love, Mrs., herexcellent letter to her husband, iii. 129-her husband's letter to her, 130. Love-feast, a curious account of one, iii. 334. Lough, Mr., iii. 505. Lucy, Sir Thomas, his house an asylum from persecution, i. 327. Lukenor, Sir Edward, a friend to the persecuted nonconformists, iii. 96, n. Luther, his controversy with king Henry, i. 2. Lydia, Thomas, 1H. 6. Lyford, William, iii. 161. Maddox, Bishop, his false insinua- tions, i. 33, n, 145-lie proves the severities of the times, 171, p- his mistake rectified, 451 - his censures on Cartwright, ii. 144, n. uttdstard, William, Hi. 528. !Magnetic needle, the variation of, by whom discovered, ii. 426. Maldon, the parishioners of, peti- tioned the bishop in behalf of their minister, ii. 276. ;Vanden/21, Robert, iii. 516. Manton ' Dr., soldiers threatened to shoot him, iii. 138, n. Manuscript authorities, account Of those used, iii. 539, 540, n. Manwaring, Dr., his censure and preferment, i. 72, n. Marcus Antoninus, his meditations published, iii. '218. Marsden, Ralph, iii. 531. Marshall, Stephen, iii. 241. Martin Mar-Prelate, account of, i. 55-anecdote of, ib. n-its sus- pected authors, ,423. Martyr, Peter, a zealous noncon- formist, i. 6-account of him, 243, n-his concern for Gilpin's con- version, 244, n-his correspond- ence, 376. Martyrs, the book of, account of, 1. 329-333. Mary, Queen, her accession and bar- barities, i. II, 12, n, 125, n-her death, 17. --, Queen of Scots, her imprison- ment and extravagance, i. 442, n. Massachusets ' when first peopled, iii. 88-the first church formed there, ii. 373. Massacre in Ireland, account of, iii. 226, n. Mather, Richard, iii. 440. Maton, Robert, iii. 532. Matthew, the gospel of, written in Greek, ii. 220. Matthews, Archbishop, account of, iii. 343, n. Moonset, Thomas, ii. 183. Maverick, John, ii. 423. Mayor of Arundel prosecuted, iii. 155, n. and alderman of Gloucester barbarously prosecuted, H. 435. Mede, Joseph, ii. 429. Merbury, Francis, i. 223. Merrick, Dr., threatened by. Arch- bishop Laud, iii. 453, n. Middleton, Humphrey, his persecu- tion, i. 10. Midgley, Mr., ii. 163. Mildmay, Sir Walter, a friend to the puritans, i. 418, n; ii. 216-a letter to him, i. 422-account of him, ii. 446, n. .Millain, Mr., i. 174. Millenary petition, account of, i. 61 ; ii. 290, 381. Monk, General, promoted the re- storation of King Charles, i. 97. Montague, Dr. Richard, his Ap- pello Cscsarem refuted, ii. 348- account of him, ib. n.