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INDEX. star-chamber, high commission, Parker, Whitgift, &c. Rahiolds, John, ii. 176. Ranzsden, Henry, ii. 427. Randall, John, ii. 296. Ranh], his opinion ofthe barbarous treatment of the puritans, ii. 44. Ravis, Bishop; a severe persecutor, ii. 232, 233, n. Reads-dale, the barbarity of its in- habitants, i. 256. Recantations, various forms of, i. 275, 307, 315, 404; ii. 17, 18, 92, 126, 200, 379, 389, 402, 450, 505; iii. 453. Reformation, its origin, i. 3-its progress in the time of King Ed- ward, 5-7-its very imperfect state, 19, 871, 377-Sampson's excellent letter on, 382--endea- yours to promote in parliament, 31, 32-also by the puritans, 383 -these endeavours were ineffec- tual, 384. Reformers, their zeal for noncon- formity, i. 12. Regicides, account of, iii. 360. Remonstrance, debates in parlia- ment about it, i. 88-anecdote of these debates' O. n. Reproof of children, how to be given, ii. 490. --- in gefferal, how to be ad- ministered, iii. 99. Rhemist translation of the New Testament, account of, i. 387 - the same answered, ii. 148. Rhode-Island, when and by whom founded, iii. 479. Rich, Lord, a friend to the puri- tans, i. 239. Ridley, Bishop, a persecutor, i. 8- afterwards a nonconformist, l2-a famous disputant, ib. n-cast inlc prison, 129, n. Rippon, Roger, the curious inscrip- tion on his coffin, i. 363, n. Roborough, Henry, iii. 531. Robinson, John. ii. 334. , Hugh, iii. 235. , Ralph, iii. 237. Rockrey, Edmund, i. 306. Rogers, John, the protomartyr, a zealous nonconformist, i. 7, 12. Thomas, wrote against the strict observance of the sabbath, ii. 172-he recanted his puritan- ism, ib. n. Rogers, Richard, ii. 231. ---, John, ii. 421. 553 Rogers, Daniel, iii. 149. ---, Nathaniel, iii. 238. --, John, iii. 326. --, Ezekiel, hi. 341. Rosewell, Walter, iii. 534. Rosier, James, iii. 504. Bothwell, Richard, ii. 349. Rough, John, a famous preacher, i. 14, n-his cruel usage, 14-his remarkable dream, 15, n. Rowley in New England founded, iii. 343. Royal Society, by whom projected, ii. 504. Rudd, John, ii. 449. Rump parliament, account of, i. 94. Rush, Nicholas, ii. 200. Sabbatarian controversy, account of, ii. 171, 362. Salem in New England founded, iii. 520. Salisbury, Mr., iii. 525. Saltmarsh, John, iii. 70. Sampson, Thomas, i. 375. Sandbrooke, William, iii. 297. Sanderson, Mr., i. 273. Sandys, Archbishop, his severe pro- ceedings, i. 234, 339, 422. Savile, Sir Henry, account of, ii. 424, n. Saxton, Peter, iii. 139. Scambler, Bishop, account of, 254, n-iii. 509.. Scandalous ministers, committee of, i. 87. Schism, who are guilty of it, i. 416. Scot, Sir Thomas, his intercession for the puritans, i. 393. Scotland, an excellent letter from, i. 21. Scott, Thomas, iii. 528. Scriptures, not to be opposed by any other authority, i. 321, n-- their purity, ii. 219. Scudder, Henry, ii. 504. Sectaries, account of, iii, 34,35, 37, 38. Sedgwick, John, ii. 485. ----, Richard, ii. 486. , Obadiah, iii. 295. Selden, John, his persecution, i. 68 -account of him, iii. 9, n. Semi-separatists, ii. 331, 337. Separation from the church, the sera of, i. 28. Separatists, their examination and imprisonment, i. 134--their re- lease, 145, n-excommunicated, ii. 444-cast into prison, 458.