554 INDEX. Sequestration, the committeeof,192. Sermons that were offensive, i. 174, 27.5, 302, 308, 396; ii. 89, 113, 141 ; iii. 82,84, 91. Settle, Thomas, ii. 46. Sheffield, Sampson, iii. 511. Shepard, Thomas, iii. 103. Sherborn hospital, its prosperity promoted, i. 222. Sherfield, Mr., cruelly prosecuted, i. '76. Sherman, John, iii. 482. Sibbs, Richard, ii. 416. SicklemOre, James, iii. 535. Simpson, John, iii. 405. Sims, John, iii. 520. Skelton, Samuel, iii. 520. Small, Edmund, iii. 529. Snzart, Peter, iii. 90. Smart, Mrs., her letter to her hus- band, iii. 93, n. Smectyninuus, whe they were, and their controversy, iii. 245-247. Smith, Bishop, opposed by Laud, iii. 289, 290. Smith, Henry, ii. 108. Mr., iii. 526. -, Mr., iii. 529. Smyth, William, ii. 44. --, John, ii. 195. Smythurst, William, iii. 514. Snape, Edward, i. 409. Snelling, Lawrence, ii. 499. Solemn league and covenant, ac- count of, i. 91. Somers, William, 'dispossessed, ii. 118, 120. Sparke, Dr. Thomas, at Lambeth conference, ii. 316-account of him, 324, n. Sparrow, Mr., iii. 504. Speech, C. Love's on the scaffold, iii. 132. Speed, John, account of, ii. 217, n. Spencer, John, iii. 529. Spilsbury, John, iii. 183. Sponsors, their promises and vows in baptism, ii. 322. Sprint, John, ii. 305. Standen, Nicholas, i. 317. Star-chamber, its terrible proceed- ings, i. 71, 198,201,206, 407-411, 448; ii. 10,,44, 151-157, 478, 482, n, 483; iii. 47, 50, 141, 462, 521-abolished, i. 87. Sterry, Peter, iii. 347. Still, Doctor, his cruel proceedings, i, 303. Stock, Richard, ii. 344., Stokes, Robert, excommunicated, ii. 47. Stone, Thomas, ii. 258. ---, Samuel, iii. 423. Stone in the bladder, one very re- markable, ii. 298. Stoughton, John, iii. 527. Strong, William, iii. 196. Stroud, John, i. 296. Stubbs, John, his barbarous usage, i. 42. Strype, Mr., his mistake rectified, ii. 324. Style of the New Testament con- troverted, iii. 212-215. Styles, William, iii. 345. Subscription imposed upon the pu- ritans, i. 5, 24, 35, 64, 178, 199, 267, 272, 285, 289, 334, 351, 362, 393 ; ii. 71, 88, 167-the forms of, ii. 71-reasons for refusing it, i. 178, 290, 362; ii. 71. Suffolk ministers, the number of them suspended, i. 46, n. Superstition, the monuments of, re- moved, i. 89, 236. Superlapsarian controversy, some account of, ii. 82. Supplication presented to convoca- tion, i. 170-one to the earl of Leicester, 323-to the bishops, 365-for reformation, 383-for relief, 435-to the council, ii. 87 -from sixty-eight fellows, 95. Supremacy, the act of, noticed, i. 18. Supreme head, Queen Elizabeth dis- suaded from assuming the title of, i. 218. Surplice, a curious anecdote of, i. 153, n-proved to be unneces- sary, 152-155-the occasion of much strife, 335-argument for the use of it, 433-cast off by the collegians, ii. 138, n. and cap, how styled, 1. 365-unlawful, 366. Surplice-men, account of them, i, 359. Sydenham, Cuthbert, iii. 184, Slimes, Zechariah, iii. 446. Symmonds, Edward, iii. 110, Symonds, Mr., iii. 38. , Joseph, iii. 39. Sympson, Cuthbert, account of his sufferingsand martyrdom, i. 14,15. Sympson, Sydrach, iii. 3,12. Tandy, Philip, iii. 30. Taverner, Richard, i. 189. Taylor, Dr., the reformer, a non- conformist, i. 12. --, Thomas, ii. 397.