T E LIVES OF THE PURITANS: CONTAINING A. BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THOSE DIVINES WHO DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES IN THE CAUSE Gr Illeligiouo Litiertp, FROM THE REFORMATION UNDER QUEEN ELIZABETH, TO THE ACT OF UNIFORMITY, IN 1662. BY BENJAMIN BROOK. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. Ile, being dead, yet speaketh.-HEBREWS. Many of the Puritans were men of great erudition, deep views of religion, and unquestionable piety; and their writings contain a mine of wealth, in which any one, who will submit to some degree of labour, will find himself well rewarded for his pains.-WILBERFORC E. Lontion: PRINTED FOR JAMES BLACK, YORK-STREET, COVENT-GARDUN. 1813.