Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

LIVES OF THE PURITANS. mand fromGod not to honour you at all. I have honoured you so much, that I have offended God; who hath revealed unto me that he is highly displeased with your committing his saints to prison; and that be will not prosper you, nor can I honour you." He next went to Cromwell, to whom he delivered the same message, declaring that the Lord was angry with him, for causing those persons to be imprisoned -whom he knew to be faithful in the cause of God. And after recommending him to take some effectual measures for their enlargement, he took his leave of them all, saying, " I have done my errand, and must leave you, never to see the army any more." He went the same night to London; and next day took his leave of his friends in the city, saying, his work was, done, and his message delivered, and desired them to take care of his wife. Thursday, December gth, he left London well and cheerful; and the same evening arrived at Ilford. The dayfollowing, he told his wife that he had now finished his work, andmust go to his Father. In the afternoon, he complained of the head-ache, desiring to lie down upon his bed, when he rested well through the night. Saturday morning, December 11th, he was taken speechless, and died about four o'clock in the afternoon.. It appears from Mr. Saltmarsh's writings, that he was strongly tinged with the principles of antinomianism. His WORKS.-1. Practice of Policy in a Christian Life, 1639.- 2. Holy Discoveries and Flames, 1640.-3. Free Grace; or, the Plowingsof Christ's Blood freely to Sinners, 1645.-4. New Querie, 1645.-5. Shadows flying away, 1646.-6. Dawnings of Light, 1646. -7. Maxims of Reformation, 1646.-8. Reasons for Unity, Peace and Love, 1646.-9. Groans for Liberty, 1646.-10. Beams of Light, discovering the Way of Peace, 1646.-11. Some Queries for the better understanding of Mr. Edwards's last book, called Ganymna, 1646.-12. Parallel between Prelacy and Presbytery, 1646.-13. The Divine Right of Presbytery asserted by the present Assembly, and petitioned for accordingly to the 11. of Corn. in Parliament, with Reasons discussing this pretended Divine Right, 1646.-14. Sparkles of Glory ; or, Some Beams of the Morning Star, 1647.-15. Wonderful Predictions, 1648.-16. The Assembly's Petition against his Exception.-17. The Openingof Mr. Pry noe's Vindication. - 18. Flagellum Flagelli, against Dr. Hasty% ick.- 19. Animadversions on Mr. 1'. Fuller's Sermon. - 20. Several Sermons. 4, Wood'sAthena Oxon. vol. ii. p. 192,193.