Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

86 7utif. by the Iwput. of Ch. Right: ctearedfrom the N.T. C H A P, g, found in Chrift , who is the end ofthe law for righteoufnefs, that is , made full Satisfa6tion for the breaches committed , and performed compleat and . pertèét obedience which the law d id principally require ( what ever other accidental ends it might have had or the law -giver in promulgating iEl 8r accompanying it with other things as to the Nation ofthejewes) becaufe for this end was the law , as a law , given by the law- giver, that Subjects might walk according to the fame, and that they might become thereby righteous and have a right to the reward promifed , by fulfilling this con- dition of the Covenant Now, when thefe ends I( or this end , pitting thefe together as one ) were onely attained by what Chrift did and fuffered, the )ewes, who ftumbled at this [tumbling [tone, &reje6led this righteouf- nefs of God, could never be ju[lified by all thei own acts çfobedience to the law,how zealoufly fo ever they should have fougg after a rigteoufnefs thereby. Except.6. (The 5. we paffe, becaufe he faith no weight on it him feif) The plaine Qr dires meaning it , that the law , that it , the whole Mofaical difpenfa- Lion was for that endgiven by God to the jewer , that whilJi it did continue, it might infiruti and teach them , concerningthe Meffiah , who was yet to come , and by his death to ma &e atonement for their linnet , that fo they might 6eleeve in Hinz accor- dingly and be full i fled I and father that in time, that Nation might be trained up drprepared for the Meff iah hirnfelf, and that Oeconomy d? perfection of worship & fervice,which He shouldering with him, ¿' eflablish in the world at his corning. 11nf. What was laid to the two foregoing Exceptions , may ferve for an anfwere to this : for what ever truth may be in this ; yet it is no true fenle & expofi- tion of the place; becaufe Chrift is the end of the Iaw for righteoufnefs to every one that beleeveth ; & fo to the Gentiles , as well as CO the jewes; whereas this glofs limiteth & refiricketh all to the )ewes. (z) There is nothing here, keepingcorrefpondence with what is faid, vers 3. touching their going about toe[tablish their own righteoufnefs and refuifing tofibmit unto the righteoufnefs of God. 3. The righteoufnefs of the law, defcribed by Mofs, & here cited vers 5. bath no tnterefj: in the Mofaical Oeconomy , as given for the mentioned end to the jewes. (4) If Chrift made an atonement for fins , & was to be beleeved in accordingly , by inch as would be juíti Pied, then that atonement was to be made over unto them & reckoned upon their [core, to the end they might be juftifted upon the account thereof. (5) The Text faith , that Chrift was the end of the law for righteoufnefs ;. & fo was to bring in everlafling Righteoufnefs , as well as to make atonement for fins, Dan, 9. 24. (6) The perfeótio n of that f rvice & worship , which Chrift was to eftablish at His coming , was a clearer manifeftation of the Gofpel of the Grace of God , whereby the Righteoufnefs ofGod, or the Surety-righteouf - nefs of Chrift, was imputed unto Beleevers, & received by faith, in order to juflification, as the whole Gofpel declareth. Helaboureth to confirme this glofs with two reafons, r. Becaufe the jetties fought Righteoufnefs,dr felfjufiification , as well from the obfervation of the Ce- remonial , as of the Moral law, z. Becaufe Chriff is held forth; as the end ofthis difpenfation , 2 Cor. 3: i 3. Gal. 3: 24. An f. As to the frrfi of the reafons, we have often replied to it already. And the fecond will not prove ,that there is no