Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

ti 9,. 7uflif. by the Imput. of Gh;Right. clearedfrom the N. T. C H' A P. t, in Scripture , ,nor rule in Grammar nor figure in Fihetorick, to make probable in the lowefl or lightefldegree. Anf. We plead not folely for the Imputation of Chritts aólive obedience, as is faid ; but for the Imputation of His whole Surety- righteoufnefs. And though thefe words in Him , thatdenote Belee- vers Union with Him , as the ground oftheir Intereft in His Righteoufnefs, should not be aflfrted, to Import this Imputation : yet thisewords , that we :night be made the Rlghteoufnefi of God , will be a rock, whereupon. Imputation. may Rand : for they hold this forth unto us , That as God made Chrift fin by Imputation ; fo He maketh us righteous , yea the Righteoufnefs of God , by Imputation. Except. 5. The clear meaning is this that God for that end made Chriíl fin, that is , an offering or Sacrifice for fin, for us , that we might be made the Righ- teoufnefs of God in Him that is , that we might bejuflified, or made a Society or Remnant of Righteous ones , after that peculiar manner of jullification , which God hath eflablished, through that Sacrifice of His Son. Anf. When Chrill was made an offering for fin , the guilt of fin was laid upon Him, even . the guilt ofour fin. And if we be juffified , or made a Society of juflihed ones , we mull be made a Society of righteous ones : and if we be made a Society of Righteous ones , we muft firfl have a Righteoufnefs ; feing we have not a Righteoufnefs of our own , we mull have a Righteoufnefs made over to us: and Icing we have this Righteoufnefs made over to us , as being in, Chrift, it mull be the Righteoufnefs of God. So that though this Inter- pretation be very far fetched , and hath no countenance from the words, and deflroyeth the cohefion of thefe words with the former , as alfo the reafon , that is contained in them , adduced for confirmation of what was faid, vers 19. yet it cannot deftroy the doClrine of Imputation; but muff contribute to its fupport, though a little more remotely. He laboureth to give ftrength to this his Interpretation by alleiging. ç.. That it is a frequent Scripture expreffion, to call the fin- offering , or the Sa- srifice for fin, by the name of fin fmply, asEvod. 29 :14. and3o: io: Levit.5 6, 16, 18, 19. & 7: r, z, 7 & 9: 7. E.ek. 44: 27. & 45: 19.23. Hof, 4: S. Anf.. Though it be true, that the Hebrew words min & =Mt do fome- times fignify fin,. & fometimes, an offering for fin: yet" the Greek word zuapr a doth alwayes fignify fin in the New Tefi!. and the 7o do not ufe this Greek word in the places cited, except Exod. 29: 14. & there ; in the verfion that is in the Biblia Polyglot. Lond. it is in the Genitive(cafe átcaprlas of fn & the chald- paraph calleth it anExpiationTarg. f onath. & Hierof. fay, it is a fin., & fodoththeperfakverfron : & the Samaritan Verfion turneth it, that is for fin; & the Arabik, an Expiation. But further , though it were gran- ted to be fo taken here; yet our caufe would hereby fuffer no prejudice ; but be rather confirmed, as was lately shown. And when the fame word ufed to exprefs a Sacrifice fcrfin, which fignifieth fin it felf, we may hence be confirmed in this, that that Sacrifice for fin bath guilt laid upon it, before it can be Sacrifice for fin ; & it muff be fin in refpeLt of this, before it be a due Sacrifice or oblation for fin. And therefore Chrift muff have been fin, ín ?CC