C ri A P.9. tußif by she imput.of Ch.Right furthacleared frrtrs the N. r. 95 by faith ; and a Righteoufnefs, whereof circumfion was appointed a feat, & granted to Abraham as fuch ; and a Righteou1ñefs , which was imputed to Abraham, that he might be the Father of all them, that beleeve : for it is added, that Rrghteoufitefrmight be Imputed to them alfo: And this mutt be the fame Righteoufnefs,_ that was Imputed to Abraham , & the fame way Imputed, & the fame way received , that there migltbe no effential diffe- rence betwixt the way of juftifiication of Father and Children. The Æthio- pick Verson may ferve for a commentary , and be had circum`fion, a figne of his righteoufnefs, which He gave him, and the fgne thereof; teat this might be made known unto him , that God jugs fled Abraham by faith , when he was not at that time circwncsfed, that they may know , that they alto are juflifred by faith. 3. Rom. 4: 24, 25. But for usalfo, to whom it shall be Imputed , if we beleeve on Him , who rai fed up jeJur , our Lord, from the dead , who war delivered for our offences dam" war railed againe for our juflification. Here is tome thing laid to be Imputed , & this mutt be in order to luftification : And this that is Imputed, cannot be faith it Pelf, or our a6t ofbeleeving ; for what is faid to be Imputed, is promifed to be Imputed upon condition of faith , or our beleeving on Him , who railed up Jefus our Lord. So that it mutt be the Righteoufnefs of Chrift , conuifting in His Mediatory work , which He un- dertook & performed for His owne : for it is added, that He war delivered for their offences; that is, He was delivered unto the death, to make fatis- faftion for theirtnnes ; & He rote againe, that He might declare, He had given full SatisfaCtion ; & that He might apply this Surety - righteoufnefs of His , to the end , they might be juflified. Socinusdoth not underftand this, & therefore de Serval. part. 4.p.3 3 3. faith , It it mofi certaine, that the Apsßle doth not fpeal of any Imputation of the righteou fnefr of Miff ; but a fj7ert , that the faith or credite , we give God, becaufe He bath called efús Chrift , our Head, from death to eternal lfe, shall be accounted untauc ,. in the placeofrighteoufflet; jail as faith, whereby Abrahamgavecrediteto the wordr of God, war Imputed to him for ri.ghteoufnefr. Lat the Text hereby is manifeftly perverted : for it faith, that force thing shall be imputed, if we beleeve, which can not be faith , but fomething diftina from faith, which is to be Imputed, upon con - ditionof faith. And what can this be elfe, than the Surety- righteoufnefs of Chrift, who is herementioned, as dying & riieing, in the place , and for the good of His people, that they might be juftified. And further, if it were faith it fell,, that were here Paid to be Imputed , in order to juftifica- tion , the juftified man should not be one , that is in himfelf ungodly , be- caufe he hath a Righteoufnefs in himfelf ; and he , who bath a Righ teoufnefs in himfelf, is not ungodly & yet it is laid, IZnm.4Y 5. That God jufli fieth the ungodly. Againe , That , which is Imputed , muft be a Righ- teoufnefs without works , vets 6.. but if faith it fell be Imputed , a work is Impùted, and not a Righteoufnefs without works : and this would allo lay down a ground ofboafting, & make the reward of debt, & not of grace, v.(4, 4. Rpm. to: to. For with the heart man beleeveth unto Righteoufnefs , o with the mouth confefon, is made unto Salvation. The ,Apoftle had been before Hers .