Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. so. Some Arg. for the I »,put. of Chi. Right. Vindicated 16I Natural body ; yet is not the brame , or the proper functions d¿ operations of the head + made the brame or funEtions of the feet. So between the Husband and the Wife ; yet is not the holine f s , ftrength and Wi fdon ofthe Hufband made over to the Wife by Imputation. And. Similitudes go not aiwayes upon foure teer : and as thefe Similitudes come short of exprefl.îng the Union and Communion, that isberwixt Chrift and Beleevers ; fo they are not appofitely here applied: for neither is the end of the Union and Communion between the Read and the Feet , that the braises and operations of the Head should be communi- cate to the feet ; but that the head should ufe its proper operations & fun - ätions.for the good of the feet : nor do the feet (land in need of any other thing from the head. And thus all() is it in the other Similitude , as ro the particulars In(tanced : yet in other particulars , this laft Similitude will come neeret to our bufinefs ; for though the Husbands Wifdom Holinefs or Strength ( which are not communicable ) be not imputable to the Wife; yet his Honour & Riches can be & are imputed or communicated :for,though before the Mariage , the Woman was in a bate condition , yet being mat- ched with en honorable perfoñ , she partaketh of his honour; and being, before the marriage , a perlon in debt, her Husbands riches are fo .impu- tedto her, that she may be & is made thereby folvendo , and freed from her Creditors purfuit , and her Husband and she becometh one perfon in law , & he becometh chargable with her debt, & obliged to pay it . So that as there is an Imp +station -, or a real devolving by law of the debt of the Wife upon the Husband; fohis making payment & Satisfaétion for the fame , is by law accounted hers ; & she is thereupon freed from all charge & trouble from her creditours. Except 2. The Major wanteth reafon; fur there is no coleare of truth in it, that that Union and Communion, which beleevers have- with-Chrifl, should of ne- ceffity draw after it the Imputation of His active obedience; fo that this obedience. of His should become their formal IZighteou(nefs ; more than the Imputation of Hit Wifdom, Power andGlory. Arif. (i) If by formal righteoufitefs he undertIand with Pap.ifis, inherent holinefs, orrighteoufnefs, it is nothing to the pur. pole; for we affert nofuch Imputation. (2) That the whole of Chrifts Su- rety- righteoufnefs be fo imputed tobeleevers, as that it becometh theirs; fo that they, meetly upon the account thereof, and clothed therewith , may be and are repute and held to be perlons juft , in the account of God , & fo be juftified in His fight , is the thing we affert: and that this doth neceffari- ly flow from Beleevers Union vVith Him by faith , and is a part of the Com- munion they have with Him, and that upon a double account , Firft be- caufe He became Surety, and undertook their debt ; & fo was made under the law , and obeyed and Suffered all that it could have demanded of them ; for this end and purpofe, that what He thus did & fuffered , as a publick perfon or Surety, might (land for them, & be accepted on their behalfe., Secondly becaufe their cafe and neceffity called for this, in order to their juflification and Acceptance with God. (3) His Wifdom and power are- other wayes imprbven, and laid forth to their advantage, according tothe- Natute of the thing, and neceffity. Ng Arg