Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

CHAP. !O. Some Arg. for Imput. of Ch. Right. Vindicated, . but that, as He wasmade under the law for us ; fo all His atual obedience to the law was for us, and not for himfelf. The Excepter , in end , per- ceiving the Invalidity of all his own difcourfe here , clofeth the matter thus, pag. 206. But however ftippofe this necef ty or ufe of the R,ighteou fne f ofChrifl could not be fitf ciently cleared ; yet fince there are many others of undeniable evidence, the pofition fo much contended for ; to wit, that the Godhead of Chri, fl fufficiently qualified Himfor filch a Sacrifice ,as He was, makes nothing atoll for the Impu- tation ofHir f ighteoufnefs. Therefore we shallnot trouble either ourfelves , or our Reader any further with untying an Impertinent knot. What thefe others of evidence are , we have not yet feen : and , fure , this one ground is fuílicienttodemonftrat, that his obedience to the law, in all points, was not for himfelf , nor to qualifie him , as a Sacrifice; but for us : and there- fore it mull be imputed , & made over to us and become our Righteoufnefs s whereby and whereupon , together with his Sufferings , made over to us alto, we are to be juftified and accepted of God , as Righteous ; and not only have pardon of finnes , but alfo a Right to the Inheritance , and to the reward promifed upon obedience. 7. Ar Chrifl (faith he , p.206.) was a Sacrifice ; fo was He and yet is , dT is to be for ever , Hebr. 7: 27. d?c. An Higl Priefl; and that Rjghteoufnefs of His we fpeakof, quali faith Him , that is , contributeth to His qualification fir Priefl- hood, as well as it didfor His Sacrifice. Anf. Seing it cannot be proved , that his aäual obedience to the law (which is the Righteoufncfs we are here fpea- king of) was neceffary to qualifie him to be a Sacrifice here on earth ; much lets can it be proven , that it was neceffary to qualifie him for his Prieft-hood in heaven. And all thefe qualifications mentioned , Het. : 26, He had, before that aCtua1 obedience was either performed , or he in a capacity to performe it : & therefore his aaual obedience was not neceffary thereunto. S. That holy pleafure (faith he) and contentment, which Cbrifl himfelftooi in thefe works of R..ghteou fnefs , may be looked upon, ar one confiderable end, 7oh.4: 34. Anf. So took He pleafure and delight to Suffer : He had a Baptifine to be baptized with, and how was he firaitned, or pained , till it was accom- plished, Luk,t2: 5o. Shall we then fay, that therefore his death was not ro make Satisfaäion for the fins of his own ? Thefe are but Socinian Evafions, that have no force to weaken the truth , in the leaft. And thus , notwith- itandt= of all his Exceptions, this Argument abideth in its flrength. 'C proceed to another. Arg. 5. If we be debtors unto the law, and that not only in matter ofpunishment, but in perfetlion of obedience alfo ; then did Chrifl not only fuffer death for ur, that we might be delivered from the Curfe ; but alfo fulfilled the law, that fo we may be reputed to have fulfilled the law in him , or by the Imputation of His fulfilling of the law to us. Othertvife the law should yet'rernaine to be fulfilled by us. But the former is true. Ergo, 15c. The force of the Argum. lyeth here , that we were debtors unto the law , not only as to the punishment, which we had deferved by tranfgreflìon ; but alfo as to perfect conformity thereunto : and therefore coming in our law-place, & taking on our debt, did not only un- dergoe the punishment for us, but did alfo yeeld perfect obedience : And p this