Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

io6 Some Arg. for Imput. of Cb. Right. Vindicated. C H A P. To, this compleet Surety righteoufnefs of Chrift , confifting both in doing and Suffering , mutt be imputed unto us, and reckoned upon our fcore , to the end, we may be juttified and Accepted of God, as Righteous; & have Right not only to Impunity, but alto to the Reward promifed to the obedient. He excepteth p. zoS. &c. Againft the Minor, upon thefe grounds. I: 1f the meaning ( faith he ) be, that ¡ve, who are beleevers , are debtors to the law in perf Ilion for our jufli fcation; it is fa'lfe. But as for thefe, that beleeve not in Chrift it maybe true, in this ; that ifthey meant() be jußi feed , and to efcape the punishment , otherwife than by Chrift , they mull keep the /Thole law. Anf. (i) We fay not , that Beleevcrs , who are already juftified , through theltn- puted Righteoufnefs of Chrift , are debtors unto the law , for this end : but that ere they could be juftified and accepted of God, as Righteous, they were obliged to perfect obedience as well as to fuffer the penalty : and feing this was impoRble unto them, their Surety was to do it, and he did it , and what he did was imputed unto them , and reckoned upon their fcore. (2) As for Unbeleevers (and fuch are all by Nature ) feing it is confeffcd,that they tire raider this obligation , then it is necelfary, that before they be ju- ftified , either they or a Surety for them muft fatisfy both thefe demands of the law. And though none be now under a command , to give perfect obedience unto the law , to the end , they may be juftified ; but fuch as hear the Gofpel are commanded to beleeve in Chrift, and to accept of him by faith , that they may have an lntereft in his Righteoufnefs, & fo be juflified: yet that taketh not away this Imputation, but eftablisheth it rather; be- caufe Chrift having fatisfied all the demands of the law , both in doing, and in Suffering , and that as a Surety , Head , Redeemer and publick Perfon ,. by beleeving in him, they receive this , and have it made over unto them. 2. If the propofition (faith he) meaneth, that Beleevers are debtors of perfety obedience to the law , in a way of Santl ification & thankfulnefs : This is true , but it concerneth not the queflion. Anf. Nor do we (peak of this,, knowing that it is nothing to the prefent queftion : But this we fay , That all men by nature, and fc Beleevers, before they be juftified by faith in Chrift , are not on- ly under the Curfe , becaufe of fin ; but are under the demand of the law , or the commanding power of the law, requiring perfect obedience, in order to the reward : And that therefore both thefe demands of the law muft be fatisfied by their Surety, and the fame muft be imputed to them and reckoned upon their (core, before they can be looked on, as free of the Curie, and as heirs of the Reward , promifed to full & perfe& obedience. 3... We are not (faith he) therefore exemptedfrom keeping the law, no not in re- fpetl of juflification it felf, becaufe we have tranfgreßcd it ; but becaufe i. having once tra- nfgreffed it, we are utterly uncapableoffuch an obfervation , whether per- Tonally , or by imputation , which may amount to jufi fi cation, or exemption from punishment. z. That relaxation or releaje from an obfervation of or dependance upon, the taw by jufti: fication accrueth, unto us by meaner of our dependance upon Shrift'