Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C ii A P. 1o. Some Arg. for the Imput. of ch. Right. Vindicated. t o7 Chrifl for juflifccatien, through his death , Rom. 7: 4. Anf. (t) If our tranf- grefïion of the law doth not exeem us from the obligation to keep it per - feetly, in order tojuflification, then, ere we be juftified, that obligation muft be fatisfied , as well , as the obligation to punishment ; and fo the law muff be perfecly keeped , as well as its penalty fuffered : And feing we our (elves can do neither , our Surety muft do it for us, & that mull be accepted for us , & imputed to us. (2) Nor can it be Paid , that our uncapablenefs to keep it, fo as may amount to juftification , doth exeem us from the obliga- tion , or deftroy the lawes power to require that of us ; more than our unca- pablenefs to fuller the penalty , fo as may amount to a juftification , doth or can exeem us from the obligation to fuffer , or deftroy the lawes power to re- quire thé penalty of us. It is true, that no man now is called of God to en- deavoure this way of juftification : yet all filch , as live without the Gofpei have not the better & more Pure way , through faith in Chrit made known tintothem. T he obligation to perfe& obedience remaining after the tranf- gref lion , faith , that, erea man, that was both obliged to Suffer, and to yeeld perfettobedience, can be juftified, the law, as to both thefe de- mands, muff be fatisfied , & the Sureties Satisfaction to both muft be rec- koned upon his fcore. ( ;) Juftification & Exemption from punishment are not one & the fame , in our cafe more than pardon & Righteoufnefs. (4) The Exemption , that accrueth to beleevers , faith not , that there was no obligation upon mankind both to fuller and to obey, in order to juftifica- tion , anteriour to Chrifts doing both. 4. God never required (faith he pag.2io.) of any man, but only of Chrifl, both exaffnefs of obedience to the lash, & fubjetlion to punishment, due to the tranfgrefìon of the law conj unJtim , but di tifim only. Fl e that shall perfetlly l(eep the law, is not bound to fuffer the penalty. Anf. (i) Then our tranfgreffingof the law should exeem us from the obligation to obedience, contrare to what was granted in the Firß Exception. (z) Though he , who perfe6tly ke.epeth the law ", is obnoxious to no punishment; yet he, who breaketh the law (as we all did in Adam, befide our daily tranfgreffìons) is obnoxious to pu- nishment; & this obnoxioufnefs to punishment no more diffolveth his obli- gation to obedience, than his tranfgreffion was able to do. And therefore we are all, confidered in our Natural [late, obliged to both . conjuntlim ; for we are bornofinners, and yet born under the obligation of keeping the law of God. (3) Gods requiring both ofChrift, who was Mediator & Surety, faith, that both were required of us : for what was required of him, as Su- rety, was required of the principal debtors. 5. He faith , In cafe a Man hath tranfgreJfedthe law, d7 bath fuffered (whether by him fëlf or by fame other for him) the full punishment threatned, he is no fur- . Cher a debtor unto the law , neither in point of punishment , nor of obedience : for the punishment is of equal confederation to the law, with the moil abfolirte confor- mity : and as no man can be obliged to fulfill the law mice for his jußification; go neither it it reafonable to conceive,that he ;who bath fuffered the full penalty,that fbeing as fatisfatlory to the law ,' as the exatleß obedience , should be JIM bound to the obfervationof the law. Anf. 'Then the law promifeth life to the fullillers, as 02. well