Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

ro8 Some Arg, for the Imput. of Ch, Right, Vindicated, C H A p. io; well as threatneth death to the tranfgreffours, the fuffering of death for the tranfl rellion, is not fuch a fulfilling of the l; >w, as hath the promifeof life annexed to it : Devils, though now fuffering the vengeance of eternal fire , the death threatened , yet cannot be Paid to be fulfilling the law, or o- beying outo life; nor can't hey be faid to beluftified, no/to be (offering any thing , in order thereunto. In order therefore to our juftification & Ac- ceptance with God , as heirs of thelife promifed, who were both obnoxious to punishment , & a11ò obliged to give perfeEt obedience to the law, the law as to both, muff be fatisfied. Nor can we fay, that the punishment of Devils is of equal con fideracion to the law , with the conformity yeelded thereunto by the confirmed Angels. And though the fufferingofthe penalty in lawes pe- nal, or fuch as promife no reward unto the obeyers , may be faid to be of equal confideration with the keeping ofthe law ;. yet this cannot be faid in. lawes, which p,omife a Reward CO the obfervers , as well as threaten a pu- nishment to tranfgreffours : Nor can the man, that fuffereth the punishment, fuppofe -to the full , that is threatened in the law,, be Paid to have fulfilled the law , and tohave delrved the reward promifed to obeyers. (z) Though Chrift hath both obeyed the law , & fuffered the punishment ; yet the law is nor twice fulfilled , but once , becaufe , as was granted , fuch as were fin- ners and obnoxious to punishment, were alfo obliged to yeeld perfect obe dience : for tranfgrefliion did not deffroy this obligation. As when a man is punished for breach of a law that not only required obedience under filch a penalty, but alto promifed a reward to the obfervers, when he is put to per - forme what was commanded , ere he can have the promifed reward , he is not put to fulfill the law twice: for his punishment was but Satisfáflìon to one part of the law , or to threatning; but it was no fatisfaCtion of the law, as to the reward promifed. 4rg. 6. If there be no juftification, without a perfect Righteoufnefs, & no fuch Righteoufnefs to be found, but the Righteoufnefs of Chrift perfor- med to the law, then of Neceifìty this Righteoufnefs mutt be imputed ro us. unto juftification. But the former is true. Ergo, &c. The ground of this Argument is, that jollification is the pronouncing ofa perfon righteous,, & juftification being Godsaft, the perfon jullified muff be righteous, ere God' can judge & pronounce him to be fuch; for the judgment ofGod is alwayes according to truth; & no perfon having a righteoufnefs of his own, all that are juflified mutt have a Righteoufnefs imputed to them ; and there is no Righteoufnefs that can be faid to be imputed , but the Surety.righ- teoufnefs of Chrift, and particularly ,. in fatisfying all the demands of the' law. He Excepteth, p g. 2Lr. againft the Minor F. That however it be true, that ¡unification cannot take place , without a perfect Righteoufnefs, being nothing clfe than then,aking of a man perfeFilly I(ighteous : yet 4 R hteoufrtefs confining determinatly of filch a tale of righteous ads, as Chrift performed unto the Moral law, is not abjolutely neceffary : for in reference' to the jewer, there mull have been righteous aces performed unto the ceremonial law alfo. Anf. (i) Juflifiea- ti.on is not the making of a man perfectly righteous; but the judicial pro,, nouncing.