C i- A P. I0. some Arg. for Imput, of Ch. Right. Vindicated. /Òq nouncing & declaring of a man to be fo , through, the Righteoufenefs of Chrift , imputed to him & received by faith. (2) A perfect Righteoufnefs, coning in compleat obedience to the law is required : we urge not fuch a determination ofacts , in number & tale to the moral or to the Ceremo- nial law : only we affert the necefTity of a full obedience to the Rule of Righteoufnefs , which God prefcribed unto men , & this was the Moral law: Though , as to the jewes there were other prefcriptions propofed , than were to others of the world ; yet thefe fame prefcriptions , confitting in Ceremo- nials , or in Judicials, were reduced Co the Moral law , & were enjoined thereby , fo long as they flood in force , and were not repealed by the Su- pream Law- giver. E . cept 2. Neither is it fo abfolutly true , thdt there is no perfeEl fRighteoufnejstto be found, befideChrifr. Therefs aRighteoufnefs in the law ar abjolttt d3' corn- pleat. And it is much more probable , that if God Imputes a legal Righteoufnefs r:nto Men in jit fli ficaticn, He fournisheth them this way out of the law. Anf. But what isthat Righteoufnefs in the law ? doth the law hold forth any Righteoufnefs, but perfect obedience ? and how can God furnish them with this , but by Imputing unto them the perfeó obedience of Chrift,feing He hath not fo or dered matters, as they shall be in cafe, while here, perfectly to keep the law themfelves. (2) He remitteth us to what he Paid formerly in the fame Trea- tile; and in that place , he maketh this compleat Righteoufnefs to confift in Remißîon of finnes. And yet , it is certaine , that Remiffion is no obe- dience; nor is it a Righteoufnefs held forth in the law ; nor is it any Sa- tisfaction to the law yea itagreeth nosh with common fenfe, nor with Reafon to fay , that by Remiflion of fins men are made formally Righ- teous. Except. 3. That perfeEl kighteou frìefs , wherein jufli fration con fjleth , and where with men are made formally kiihteouc , when they are jujli feed, is nothing elfe but Remifjionoffins , Rom. 4; 6, 7. Anf. Remiflionof fins is not a perfectRigh- teouinels. This hath no countenance, from Scripture, nor from Reafon,. or common fenfe. Who ever thought, or laid, that apardonedThiefeor Murderer wasa Righteous man? orthat his pardon made him formally Righ- theou5 , and an obferver of the law ? Though thereupon he be freed from the penalty, or from the punishment threatned in the law againft filch tranfgreffours ; yet is he not thereupon either made or declared to be Righteous ; but his pardon is a virtual declaration that he is not Righ- teous, but a Tranfgreffour. How that place, Itom. 4: 6, 7. is perver- ted, when adduced to give countenance to this îi &ion , is declared al- ready. He addeth , pag. 2i 5. two Reafons for this : the frfl is , That rcmiffion of fns is equivalent unto, and virtually containeth & comprehendeth in it , the molt abfolute and entire obedience unto the law. Anf. Remiflìon of fins , as Inch, is fo far from being equivalent to this , or from comprehending this in it that it is a plaine declaration of the contrary : for where entire obedience is , there Remif ion hath rio place. and Remífiìon muff prefuppofea Tranf- greflion. The next is , Becaufe (faith he) it bath as thefe great and high 03 prr