Pag. g IS. C H A P. X Objections taken out of Scripture by Mr. Goodwine, a. gaintt the Imputation of the Righteoùfnefs of Chri(t unto Juftification, Anfwered: Aving in the foregoing Chapters proved, both fromScripture & Rea - fon, That Ch rifts Righteoufnefs is imputed unto Beleevers unto ju- flification; & having vindicated fuch of them , as were excepted agaiu(t by Mr. Goodwine; we shall now come & examine the Arguments, by which he oppugneth the Dottrine of Imputation, in the firfl part of his Treatife of juflification; Where he marshalleth his Arguments under two heads , vi :. of Scripture & R.eafon. 1-le beginneth with his fuppofed Scrip- ture proofs , Chap. z. &c. As to the fir(i of which, largely profecuted Chap.2. we shall (peak to it afterward , when we come to fpeak of the Intereft of faith in !unification for thereunto it doth more properly belong , being rather a proof of the Imputation o£faith , in a proper fenfe , . as our Righ- teoufnefs , unto juftification, than of the Non - Imputation of the Righteouf- nefs of Chrift. Leaving therefore the examination of this to its proper place, we come to fee what other Scriptures , adduced by him againft the Truth hitherto af- ferted , do fay , in this queftion under debate ; & that the more willingly, becaufe Mr. Barter in his late book againft D.Tuß'y.referreth us to this man for `Arguments. Firfl , he adduceth fuch paffages, as ablolutely exclude the works of the law from juftification as Rpm. 3: 28. Gal. 2: 16. Rom. 3: 2o. We fpoke fomething to this matter, while we were mentioning the Myfteries,.. re- markable in juftification yet we shall here confider what he faith. He thus reafoneth , pag. 55. If a man be ju flified by the Rfghteou fnefs of Chrift imputed unto him, he shall be luflifledby the works of the law; becaufe that RZighttouf- refsofChrifl., we now fpeakof ,confiflsofthefeworks. Anf. The vainity & fats hood of the Confequence is Obvious: nor doth the reafon added, make any fupply. It is true the Righteoufnefs of Chrift did confit in works ofobe- dience , required by the law; yet though this be imputed to us r it doth not follow, that we are ;unified by the works of the law , according to the Scrip- ture fenfe of that exprefïìon : for the Scripture meaneth works of the law, which we do in our; own perlons, Tit. 3; 5. And the whole Scope, Drift & purpofe of theSpirit of the Lord , in all thefe places cited & in all others, evinceth this; and all the Arguments mentioned in Scripture againft ;u- nification by the works of the law , demonftrat this to be the true and only .import of that exprefliion , as candot'but be pleine to any confidering perfon. Yet he bath 4. anfwers, and he addeth feveral other things which we mutt examine. He faith t. Where the HolyGhofl deliveretha truth limply ¿findefnitly di in a way of a General d5 Univerfal conelufion, without impofeing any neceffity there, or