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CH A P. z I. 0 bjeaions from Scripture anfwered. 13 t that he would have made ufe of Loch a difttnftion , or ref ervation , ¿ mould have been glad , if, without trenching upon (ornèGofpel truth , he could have come over fo 'Jeer unto the jewes , who wire vhiefly ince'nfed againfl Paul , for paffing over the 141v in jufli fication. Now had he faid , that he did not exclude the righteouJnef, of the lam by faith , but advance it rather ; only he preached that they could not be juflified by their own obfervation of it ; who Teeth not how this would have taken off great part of theiroppofttìon, 4rnf. It is a wonder to fee , how foine mere can shut their eyes , that they should not fee what is molt obvious , and what is in plaine termes afferted in the Scriptures. Did not Paul fay exprefly enough, Rom. 3. ult. That he did not make void the law through faith , but did eîta- blish it ? doth he not a1fo plainly tell us , where the difference lay betwixt him & the jewes; & what it was efpecially , at which they (tumbled, when he faid , Rom. 9: 3T, 32. But Ifrael which followed-after the law of Righteou f nefs , bath not attained to the law of Righteoufnefs; wherefore? Becau f e they fought tt out by faith , but as it were by the works of the law; for they Rumbled at that fum- bling florae. And againe Ram. ro: 3; 4. But they being ignorant of God's Righ- teoufnefs, d.9' going about to eflablirh their own Righteoufnefs, have not fubmittcd themfelves unto theIZghteoufne(s of God ; for Chrifi is theend of the lawfor righteouf- nefs, die. Is it not hence clear , that they rejected Chrift, and would not owne Him , as the end ofthe law for Righteoufnefs: & that they Humbled at Him , feeking after juftification & life , by their own perfonal following after the law of Righteoufnefs, & by feeking to eUablish their own righ- teoufnefs? How then can this man faypag. CI. That Paul was as far fioma holding jollification by the works of the law , ar performed by Chrifl , as the jewes were , who would have nothing to do with Chrift, but (tumbled at Him, while as Paul fought only to be found in Him , not having his owne Righ- teoufnefs, which is of the law; but that which is through the faith otChrift, the Righteoufnefs which is of God by faith, Phil. 3: 9. And proclamed Chrift to be the end of the law for Righteoufnes, to every one that belee - veth , Rom. Io: 4. Againft Tit. 3: y'. where mention is made of the works of righteoufnefr; which we have done ; ót a fufficient ground laid for the diftin lion mentioned, & tc prevent the humbling of fuch as love CO walk in the light , he advan- ceth feveral anfwers , pag. 62.6.c. As I. He never Paid that the aaive rigb- teoufnefs of Chrifl should be made a 'binder- by; bua that itbutb a bleffed influence into juffification as itt_rueth into His paffive obedience, which together may be called a Righteoufnefs for which, but not with which we are juflifted, except u can be proved to be either the tldaterial, or formal, or inftrumental cattle of jufti flea- lion ,d?'whoever attempt to do this, will wholly diffolvethe merite of it. Anf (I) All this maketh nothing to the purpofe now in hand, which is to show, that Paul by this expref ìon cleareth fufficiently , what he meaneth by the works of the law , which he excludeth from having any intereft in juftification , vi The works of the law,performed by us in our own perfons. (2) What influence the at-five obedience of Chrift bath in juhication , when he will not admit it tobeany part of that Surety-righteoufnefs, which is imputed un- to us, he showeth not; nor what way it iffueth in to His paflìve obcdience4 Q If