Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

bje liens from Scripture do fered. n; F C II A r. yr; be the Righteoufnefs of another , in bringing home and applying of which, faith is an Infirm-lent :& to this way of bringing in the Ríghteoufnefs of God by faith from without , is the feeking of Righteoufnefs by our own works, or by our own acts of obedience to the law , manifeflly oppofite & irreconcila- ble: & this is the oppolïtioa, which the Scripture alwayes maketh , be- twixt juftification by the law , & by faith , as the very Scriptures , cited by himfelf, makemanifeft, to wit, tom.3 :27,ZS. & 4:13,14. &9:32.& I o: 5, G. Gal. z:16. & 3: 5, i i, 1z. &c. (z) This argument & all the Reps of its profecution , make againft himfelf , who will have our ad of faith to be the Righteoufnefs of God, though it be no where fo called ; 8c .cannot be that , which is by , or through faith ; for faith is not by or through faith ; nor loth faith become a Righteoufnefs by, or through faith : nor is faith, as our at againft the law , otherwife it should be no at of obedience , but a piece of willworship ; and confequently no righteoufnefs at all but an unrighteoufnefs, & a plaine difobedience, or a work of Supererogation r nor do the law or Prophets , any where , teffify to this, as our Righ- teoufnefs. Thirdly Chap. 5. pag. 73. He reafoneth from IZom. 5:16, 17. thus. The gift of righteoufnefs (as it is called vers 17. ) which it by Chriff, in the Gofpel , laid vert 16. to be a free gift of many offences into juflification , that is thefergive- nefs of many offences , cannot be a perfetf legal rtghteoufñefs imputed unto vs, or made ours by imputation ; but the iìghteoufne f which is by Chrifi in the Gofpel, it the giftof many offences. Ergo, &c. The Major he thusconfirmeth. That righteoufnefs, which extends unto a mans jollification, by the forginefs of fins, can be no perfetf legal rtt hteoufnes imputed. But the righteoufnefs of Chrifl , in the Go f - pel , by whieh we are ju ffi fled , extendeth unto a mans jußi frcation , by the forgive- nefs of fins . Ergo , &c. The Major of this , he thus proveth. Becaufè a legal or perfct} righteoufnefs doth not proceed to juflifie a mans perfon by way of forgiveneft of f nnes ; but is of it felf intrinfecally d7 e ffentially a man's jollification t yea Each a jollification, with which forgivenefs of fins , is not competible : for what need bath he , that as legally righteous , or hath a legal righteoufnefs imputed to him , of forgiveneft offtns, when as fuch a righteoufnefs excluded all fin, d. all goilt offtn from his perfon. To all which I anf. (z) The Major propof. of the two Syllogifines, is true only of perfeEt righteoufnefs, wrought by our felves , in conformity to the law ; and not of the Righteoufnefs of another imputed to us; which though it maybe called legal, as to Chrift as confifting in perfect obedience & conformity to the law; yet is rather to be called Evangelical, as to us, upon theaccount of its difcovery and revelation , and manner of communi- cation unto us. (z) The confirmation of the Major is likewife only true ora righteoufnefs performed by our felves : for that indeed excludeth all Remif- liion : and therefore ifour faith be accounted our righteoufnefs (as he faith) it muff be our juftification , & fo , inconfiltent with free forgivenefs. (3) As to the Scripture ., where upon all this founded. fay, The text faith not, that our righteoufnefs is only free forgivenefs; bu at in reference to pardon & free-forgivenefs , there is a gift beftowed; & th t this gift by grace, which abouri-