Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. 1 Z. objections front Scripture anfcvered. 137 aboundeth unto many , is attended with free forgivenefs , as a neceffary con - feqúent. It is the free gift that corneth upon all men unto juflification vers IS. & that , by which many are maderighteous vers 19. & therefore is called the gift of righteou fnefs, vers a 7. He objecteth against himfelf thus , A man's fins are firfiforgiven him , and then this ierfeEl righteoufnef of Chrifl it imputed unto him; and fò he is jttfli- fsed. art this is not the thing we would fay , but on the contrary , That firm the perfett Righteoufnefs of Chrift is imputed, whereupon the beleever is juftified & pardoned, Let us hear his anfwer. I. He faith , If we will needs diflinguish the leas of the allive dT paffive obe- dience ofCbrifl, foas from the aEfive part to fetch a perfeif righteoufnefs forlmpu- tation , e' from the paf ive rem ifìon of fins ; yet whether it be any wayes rea fonable to invert the order , I leave to fober confideratien. 'Chrifl did not All die , e after death keep the law; therefore rea fòn requireth, that what is firfl purchaf d, should be firft receivedd5'applied. Anf. f fee no neceffity of diflinguishing, after this man- ner , the Effects ofChri(i's active & paflïve obedience ; but judge it belt, to keep as conjoined what divine wifdom bath firmWily & infeparably joined together: But though we should thus needlefly diftinguish thefe of eáts; yet there is no neceffity of laying , That Chrift's obedience , becaufe firft exifting , should be fielt imputed unto juftification and then I-Iis death to Remiflion : for neither do we aflìgne juftification to His ative obedience on- ly ; nor is the fame order to be obferved , in the application of the Effects, that was obferved in ChriPt's performance, of what was laid upon Him , and required of Him , as our Spoiafor : for the Nature of the thing required , that Christ should firft have obeyed, before He died : & on the other hand, the condition of finners requireth that they he firft juftified and pardoned , before they have a right to all the Effects of thrift's active obedience im- puged.. 2. He faith, If a man had, once finned , it is not any legal righteou fnefs what fo ever imputed, that can juflifie him. Anf. This is granted ; But in order to juftification we fay, That Chrift's whole Surety righteoufnefs is imputed; & this comprehendeth both His active & His pave obedience, fo ufually di- ftinguished. 3. He faith , If a mans finr be once forgiven him , he hat, no need of any fur- ther righteoufnefs for his juflification; becaufe forgivenefs of fins reached) home, dr amounted) unto a fall juflification with God. .Anf. If ; uftification were no- thing elfe, but forgivenefs of fins , there would be tome colour for this but in juftification there is alfo an accepting ofthe man as righteous ; & to this á meer pardon of fins will not ferve : for a Righteoufnefs is hereunto re- quifrte,; & pardon of fins and Righteoufnefs are not one thing. It is falle then to fay , as he addeth , That this is all the jufli ficatïon, the Scripture knower,_. or fpeaks of, the forgivenefs of fine, or acquiring from condemnation. For both according to Scripture, and the native import , and univerfal ufage of the word , juftification denoteth a conftitutinglegally and declaring folemnely a perlon to be righteous , or free of the accufation , given in againft him ; or a, pronouncing of an accufed man to be righteous; & therefore fuppofeth , when