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CHAP. ! T. Abje51ions from Scripture *eyed. I41 that may inno fenfe be called his own ; but precifely d1' determinatly no fuch righ- teoufnefs , as hit own . which flank in works of the law : filch he muff be fare; not to have ; i. e. not to trail te , er to shroud If shelter himfelf under , from the firoke of Gods juflice. Anil Then faith , confidered as an at of obedience, muff siot be that Righteoufnefs , under which he could think to shelter himfelf from the ftroke of juftice : for that hands in one work of the law ; & if that righteoufnefs be renounced , which ftandeth in works of the law; much more muff that be renounced which ftandeth in one work of the law. (2) The Righteoufnefs of Chrift , imputed & received by faith , may in force fenfe be called the $eleevers own : but that Righteoufnefs , which the Apoftle cal - leth his own here , is oppofed to the Righteoufnefs of another , and corn- prehendeth all his own ads & works , done in obedience to the command of God. Next (he faith) affirmativly thur , but that , which is through the faith of Chrift , &c. Here is not the leafl jot er title of any Rjghteoufnejr he should have by Imputation , no nor of any Rjghteoufnefr by or through tht Righteoufnefs ofChrifl; but only fuch a Righteoufnefs, as or through the faith ofChrifl. inf. (t) When all that Righteoufnefs is excluded , which is in mans felf , or in any ads of obe- dience to the law , which he Both ; & yet a Righteoufnefs mentioned as the only refuge & sheltering place, what can this Righteoufnefs be elfe, than an Imputed Righteoufnefs ? & what can this Imputed Righteoufnefs be : if it be not the Righteoufnefs of Chrift ? Is there any other that will do our bufi- nefs ? (2) A Righteoufnefs throug}faith in Ch rift is moll clearly a Righ teouf- nefs obtained , pofTefled & laid hold on by faith. The 400flle addeth (faith he) by way of commendation of this Rjghteeufnefs , that it is the Righteoufwefs of God i.e.a righteou fnefr, which God himfelfhathfound out , & which He will owne d7 countenance , even the righteoufnefr of God , which it in faith , i. which cometh, d? acerueth, and it derived upon a man by faith. Anf. (t) It is not only a Righteoufnefs, which God himfelf hath found out, and which He owneth & countenanceth; but a Righteoufnefsalfo, which is in God , or is in Him , who is God , & is derived from Him to man ; for it is a Righteoufnefs, that is not to be found in man , or in any thing he doth , in conformity to the law of God , all fuck Righteoufnefs being already renoun- ced by the Apoftle. (2) The Righteoufnefs of God , which isby , or through faith , & cometh , accrueth , or is derived upon a man in & by faith mutt needs be Tome thing elfe , than faith it feif, even the Righteoufnefs, that is without a man & is derived unto him from another, vi,. from Him, who is God , & on whom faith laith hold, that is, Jefus Chrift, in whom alone the Apoftle was feeking to be found. Fiftly, Chap, 7, pag, SS. d.Tc. He abufeth to this end all thofe Scriptures wherein juttification is afctibed unto faith, as Rom. 3: 28. d r y: t. As to the Inrereft of faith , in the matter of juttification , we will have occafion here- after to fpeak of it, at force length : here we are only enquiring after that Righteoufnefs, upon the account of which, we are juttified, which our Adverfary, as it would appear, placeth only in faith : and fo, in (lead of making faith the meane of applying & bringing home the Surety- righteouf- R z nets