Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

Pag. x T H E L IF E OF JUST IFICATION, Through faith , cleared , from Gal, 3: i 1. For the Juft fhill live by faith. OH AP T. I. The Introduhion; & the text (the ground of this following difcourfe) opened-up. AM.. "' He Dotrine of luffifcation cannot but be acknow- Tull i ledged by all , whofe thoughts are taken up about art intereft in everlafting felicity, -to be of great concern- ment ; &debates or Controverfies about the fame can- - not be efleemed vaine & fruitlefs Digladiations , c&. Difputes about a thing of naught; feing in this lyeti' the Ground of all our Hope, peace, & Eternal Sal - .,,,, vation; & a Miftake or Errour , as to the Theorie in this matter, followed with an anfwerable & correfponding practice, (I mea- ne asto what toucheth the heart & Subftance of this Divine Myftery) may, yea muff of neceflity, prove not only dangerous to Souls; but even inevi- tably deftru &ive. Wherefore it cannot be juftly accounted blame worthy, that Churches & particular perfons , who would be faithful (& fo accoun- ted) unto the grand- interefts of Souls , contend, with alle earneftnefs, for the faith once delivered to the Saints, in this particular; this being the true Bafis of all Religion, & of Chriftianity; without which there can be no accel's to, nor Communion with, God; No peace with God, nor true A peace