á1 ìt z o Obje. i ®ns from Scripture are fi'ered, C H ñ P. /7: Ineer-mans righteoufnefs is derivable from him to another: yet this Text proveth no fuch thing ; but only telleth us the nature &purport of the Co. venant of works , vi, . that it required perfonal and perfect obedience of him, that would have right to the promifed reward. Which fpeaketh nothing againft the new contrivance of the Gofpel , wherein the Supream God and Law- giver, & the great Rec1orofthe world did, in Mercy & Love, ap- point jefus Chrift to be theMediator & Surety for the chofen ones , to pay their debt , & fuffer for them ; & did ordaine a way how they should, in due time come to have anlntereftin, & to partake of that Surety -righ- teoufnefs of Chrift jefus , that fo they might be' juftified, & dealt with as Righteous perfons, having Chrift's Surety - righteoufnefs imputed to them, & reckoned upon their fcore, when by faith they clofe with Him, and lay hold on it. He addeth for proof , for it denies a pofribility of it to' be done even by faith, which was the likeltefl hand to have done it , if the nature ofthe thing had not refilled the doing of it. Anf. The meaning of thefe werds the lam is not of faith , is, only to shew, That the way of juftification by faith & by the law, are fo far different , that they cannot agree together : but not to show s that by faith Beleevers are not made partakers of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, or have it not imputed unto them & reckoned upon their fcore ; as the whole (cope & circumt}ances of the place show. That therefore is not true, which he addeth , By which itappearethalfo, that be(i , e. the Apolile) had an ¡nient par. ticularly > to make the righteoufnefs of the lau, ,4s- performed by Chrifi hsm f elf, un- capable ofthis tranflation, or Importation. For though the law should be againft the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of one man, who is Naturally and every way-under the law, & obliged by his being , to obey the law unto another yet it is not againft the Imputation ofthe Righteoufnefs ofone, who is God; & fo under the law only by voluntary Submitlion , & is appointed thereunto by the Supream Law- giver & Reetor, unto all fuck ,as were committed & given to Him to fave that way,iti a way condefcended upon by Jehovah, and the Mediator. He proceedeth , The meaning oftbefe words the law is not of faith , muß be this , that the righteoufnefs ofthe law doth not arife, or come upon any man, out of his faith , or by his keleeving : di' this is proved becaufe the very doer shall live in or by them. Anf. It is true, the law -way of juftification or the way ofjuftifi- cation , revealed in and by the law, and held forth in the old Covenant, faith only, that the man that doth thefe things shall live in them : and Both not prefcribe the way of juftification throagh faith. But the Gof- pel revealeth , how the righteoufnefs of the law , which was part of our debt , being performed and payed by the Lord jefus, the Surety, appointed of God , is transferred and imputed unto thofe, He did re- prefent. He addeth further, The word law here is putfor the Righteoufnefs or fulfilling. of the law. Anf. And why alfo shall not the word be taken in that fenfe in the following vers, where it is laid, Chrifi hath redeemed us from the curfe of the law; tic fo the meaning will be, from the curie of the righteoufnefs or feel filling 4f