Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C 1.1 A r. I2. Mr. Goodwin's Arg. ttgail Imput. etnfiwered. 145t filed , and feparat from finTiers. Heb.7: 26. He knew no fin 2. Cor. 5: at. No man could convince Him of fin. goh. 8: 46. Yea the father was well pleafed in Him Mat. 3: 17 -& ay: 5. And this perfect and full obediences which Chrift gave unto the Law , which He came to fulfill Mat. 5: 17. be- ing the obedience of one , who was God , equal with the Father, had in it a Supereminent excellency , worth and dignity , to the full Sati,fadion of the Law and of the Law-giver , and to the repairing of that Iofs, and to the recovering of that Glory which was wronged by mans violation of the Law. So that howbeit He per'for"med not all duties , which were required of eve- ry one of the Chofen ones , in their feveral Sexes, Ages , Relations oc- caliions and Callings , which was lmpoffible and not needful : Yet He per- formed that obedience to the Law of God , which was required of Hon, as ftanding in the room and ftead of the given ones , and that in all points , yea and full obedience, wherewith the Supream Law -giver was fully Satisfied. And, Sure , every unprejudiced perfon may ea6ly foe and be convinced," that this perfe6t and compleat obedience of Chi ift is rnoreable to furnish be- leevers with all points of Righteoufnefs , which the Law requireth , than the fingle aEt of faith , which our Adverfaries Subftitute in the place thereof. Shall we think , that God accepteth of, in place of all , and imputeth that unto beleevers for their Righteoufnefs , rather than the Full and petted Obedience ofChrift ? Shall one imperfet AEt of obedience be of more va- lue, than the Full and perfect obedience of Chriff: ? *rice we fee , that whatever skew our Adverfary maketh with this Argument againft us ; yet it is of no weight with himfelf; for as He ufeth it againft the Imputed Obedi- ence of Chrift, fo we may ufe it , with much more ftrength of reafon , a- gainft the Imputation of our Faith for Righteou(nefs , as is obvins. We need not take notice of that obiettion, which He moveth againft him- felf Fag. ioi. vi,. That love is the fulfilling of the Law; nor of his Replies made thereunto : for we of ert Chrift's fulfilling of the Law inanother man- ner, and upon other grounds: He fulfilled all righteoufnefs , and perfor- med all particular ads of obedience , required of Him as our Surety , fo that the Father was well pleafed with Him : and what more is requiftte ! He moveth another oblation pag. i ó3. via. That it is not necefary, that men should have all particularAEts.of 'Righteoufnefs, qualified with all cir- cumflances, imputed to them, it .being Sufficient , that fuch a righteouf- nefs be imputed, which is equivalent; yea and more than equivalent, as bringing more glory to God , and as much worthy in it felt:. He aniwereth. z . The Law will not know any thing by army of proportion, but mull have its jot for jot, title for title, or elle it will curie. Ant'. (I.) We are to regard here more what the Law -giver and Supream ReEtor will know, than what the letter of the Law will acquiefce in. (2.) This taketh away the Satisfaction cf Chrift , and all His Sufferings, as Mediator, and deftroyeth that ground cf our hope and Salvation : for the Law, as to its letter, faith , the Soul :bar finneth to it shalldie;and,hath not one jote or title of the Satisfaction and Suf- fering of a Mediator. (3.) W hat shall oùr Adverfary now do with faith *loth any jote or title of the Law countenance the Imputation of faith 1 for S z a pro.