PNi 4. 1. I g,o Mr, Goodtvin's Arg, agafnfi Imptt. anftvered. C H A R. I E, a prr,p- rtionable Righreonfiefs ? doth faith anfwere every jote,, tide, point and letter of the Law ? He anfwereth. 2. To impute ails of' Righte®ufnnefr to Man, which are proper to another caging, is rather to impute fin, than righte. ottf nefr. Ant. Chrift was a publick perfon , appointed of the Father to re- prefent all the chofen ones , & did , in their place & room fulfill the law, in all points ,_ according as was required of Him by the Supream Lord Re- ,ctor & Law-giver ; & this perfe t &compleat Obedience is made over ro all thofe who are His ; & not one part CO this particular B:leever, and another to another , or fome acts to this man , & foche other ads to that man : & therefore this reply is groundlefs. As to that vii. That God infriEted on Chrift , not the circumftantiat cur- fethreatned, but its equivalency , he faith. r. That in there words Thou - shalt die the death there is no neceffity to meane precifely ¿. determinatly eternal death , according to the letter. Anf. If that was not threatned in the Law , no man shall luffer it , for the breach of the Law ; and fo there shallbe no eter- nal death even to filch as perish, which yet himfelf granreth. (2.) It wasa fpiritual death , and filch as incladeth many circumflances, which Chrift neither could , nor did fuf er, He faith 2. Gods meaning there was not , to threaten eternal death in one kinde or other ; but to have the word death underfloodi as it indifferently frgnr fieth that evil of punishment , which was known by that na- me ; for eternity is not of the eßence of the punishment , due unto fns. Anf. The doubt remaineth concerning other circumftances , & ingredienrs of that death, as threatned to man, And whether eternity be of the Effence of the punishment , threatned Fbr fin , or not ; this is lure , that all , for whom Ch -raft hath not fuffered , shall perish eternally ; & all had perished eternal. ly , if Chrift had not fuffered : And when God threatned death to man , he knew , that if that threatning did overtake him , his death would be eter- nal. He faith 3. Though God should take liberty to vary from the letter of the Curie ; yet it followeth not , that the creature , who was bound to obey the precepts of the Law, might take the like liberty to do one thing , in ßcad of another ; or that God , hould accept any fuch payment for them. Anf. We affert no liberty for man : but why should not this liberty be allowed to the Supream God ? Ail the reafon he giveth , I finde to be this. That God accepteth on any mans be- half, ar a perfetllegal righteoufnefs, the performance of fuck things, which are not required of him, bath no correfpondence with any of the Covenants. Anf. if God could accept that, as a perfect Satisfa6tion ,, which did not every way a-nfwere to & correfpond with that, which Man himfeifwas tofuffcr ; why might He not accept of that., as,a perfect legal righteoufnefs, which did not in all particulars , anfwere to , & correfpond with that, which every be- leever was obliged unto ? What reafon is, or can be given for the one, which will not hold for the ocher ? The anfwere he bath given , is no anfwe- re unto this. PerfeEtobedience was required'ofall by the firft Covenant, & Chrift did p erforme perfect obedience for all His owne; & this bei,.g a per- feCt legal Righteoufnefs , is fuffiLient for all & is not the performance of filch things, as are not required of them, Obj. 2. Chap. Io, pag. ioy. That ß:ghteoufnefs , which is exatlly and preci-