Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. I 2, Mr. Goodwin's Arg, againfi imput, anftrered. i 6 r righteoufnefs ; and therefore cannot be reputed or accounted a perfect righ- teoufnefs; and fo cannot be imputed to a perfon , in order to lu(Iification Or if we should fuppofe , that God did make it , & really repute it to be a righreoufnef ,'t muff be a compleat righteoufnefs ; & confequently inconfi- fient with pardon , becaufe it shall hereby become a compleat inherent Ho- linefs & Righteoufnefs. Obj. 8. Chap. is . pag. 15;. d?c. Whofaever is perfetlly righteous, or as righ- teous as Chi's [l is , in him God can fee no ìn. But every beleever ( faith this opinion, which we impugne) is as perfectly & cowpleatiy righteous , as Chri,(z himfelf is. Therefore Yc. Anf. How falfe this confequence is , was rnanifefled above Chap. 6. Myfiery is. And now, waving that exprefíîon of being as righ- teous , as Chrifl himfelf is. I diftinguish the Major thus , Whofoever is per - feétly righteous with an inherent Righteoufnefs ( taking perfection here not for kind , but for degrees) in him God can fee no fin , true : but in this fen fe the Minor is falfe. Whofoever is perfeEtly Righteous with an Imputed righteoufnefs , in him God can fee no fin , in order to actual condemnation, it is true , but then the Conclufion containeth nothing but truth. It is true, God could fee no fin in Chrift, becaufe there was no fin exifting in Him ; yet He can fee fin in beleevers , in whom fin exi(teth , notwithftanding they be clothed with the perfect Righteöufnefs of Chrift , which only maketh , that God can fee no fin in them for which He will aEtually bring them into con- demnation ; and this is- cönfonant to Scripture Rom. 8: i. Obj. 9. Another Reafon he propofeth Chap. i6. pag. 15.4. &c. alleiging That by this Imputation of Chtift's Righteoufnefs,we confound the two Co- venants,of Works & of Grace. But as to this , we have cleared the truth abo- ve Chap. 6. Myßery i6. Nor need we be much troubled at his bold alleigan- ce ; fot not we, but he & others with him, by his opinion, in pleading for the foie Imputation of faith , as our Golpe! Righteoufnefs , to which force adde other works of obedience, do turne the Golpe! into a new Cove- nant of Works : for if faith , properly taken , alone , or conjunct with other works of Righteoufnefs, which we do , be all our Gofpel-righreouf- nefs, we are juilified by our own perfonal obedience & righteoufnefs; and this was the plaine tenor of the Covenant of works : The variation of the obedience, now required from wljfi was of old though now it be but as a pepper corne, in comparifon of the greater rent formerly required , doth make no alteration in the Nature and Effence of the Covenant : for juftifi- cation & life is ßi11 by works of righteoufnefs , which we do, and which are our ow ne. But when the Righteoufnefs of a Surety is imputed , & we are upon that account accepted, though the righteoufnefs, wrought by the Surety, be obedience to the fame Law, that was in force under the firft Covenant, & which we were obliged unto, & lying under the Curie of ( as it muff needs have been , feing He did fubftitute himfel f in our piace , & took our debt upon Him) the Covenant is altered: for the firft Covenant knew no Righteoufnefs, but what was our owne & perfonal ; & did not admit ofa Surety. Thusthefetwo Covenants are not confounded by us,. but kept manifeftly chitin&; & we cannot owne their Gofpel -way of juftifi- cation,