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C H A P. I Z. Mr. Goodwin's Arg. again fl Imput. afire? ed. 165 knowledge, & his wqrds would feem to import this: for (faith he, in confirmation of t\he Major ) to bare any thing imputed to a man, in the letter of it, it to be reputed the doer of what is fo imputed to him : And if this be the only fenfe of his propofition, the conclufion maketh not againft us : for we afferte no fuch Imputation , as inferreth fuch a Reputation. Nay , to fay, That God should repute things fo, were to deflroy all Imputation, for what God ( whole judgment is according to truth ) eputeth us to have done , we mutt have done it ; & if we have really done it, & be reputed to have done it by the Lord, it cannot be faid to be imputed to us , in the fenfe we take Imputation; for Imputation with us, is of that, which we have not , or did not , & which God ,knoweth & judgeth we did not ; & yet is by línputation; fo made over to us, & put upon our (core, & rec- koned upon out account , as that we are as really made partakers of the E[feéts thereof, that is, of juftification &c. As if we had done it ourfel- ves, or it had been ours , without & before any Imputation. Hence the be- leever is made the righteoufnefs of God in Chrift; & not reputed , or etteemed to have been the righteoufnefs of God, but now, through the gracious Imputation of God , & through faith made tobefo. Hence we fee , that the proof of his Minor goeth 'Upon the fame Mifta- ke if ( faith he ) I be reputed before God to have wrought kighteou fnefs , in Chrifi in my juflification, then is Chrifi , in His Sufferings reputed before God to have finned in me. Anf, We fay neither the one, nor the other. Chrift did not finne in us , nor) did the Lord repute Him to have done fo. But he was made fin , by Imputation ; the guilt of fin being laid upon Him ; or our finnes, as to theirguilt, being caufed to meet on Him. Whence it came to paffe that He fuffered as really the punishment of fin , as if He had finned in us , whileas, as to His own perfon, He knew no fin , neither was deceit found in His mouth. O6j, 14. pdg. 166. If the Abiive obedience of Chri fi be imputed , then His Paf- five is imputed alp. "inf.. And why not? If the death d?' Sufferings of ChràfE (faith he) be imputed unto me; then may I be accounted or reputed to have died or fig ffered in Chrijf. But this cannot be : becaufe in Chrift , we are jufti fied d9 ahjolved from pun :, fhment ; d? thereforeZcannot be faid to have been puni fhed in Bini. Anf This whole Argument is of a piece with the foregoing : Though the- refore it be upon the matter anfwered already : Yet we shall adde this word further. That though in one fenfe it is falfe, to fay, That we are reputed to have died & Suffered in Chrift vii phyfrcally; yet in a legal fenfe, it may be admitted, as a truth, that Beleevers, who now by faith are-in Chrift, of His Body , are accounted & reputed to have fuffered in Chrift, their Head, Surety & Publick perfon; & therefore are now dealt with, as, fuch. Hence they are faid to be crucified with Chrift, to be dead & buried, with Him , & to be rifen with Him Rom. 6: 4, 5, 4. Ephef. 2: s, 6. Col, z: I2. Yet it will not follow hence, that in a legal fenfe Chrift can be faid to ha- Ç ve finned in us; for we were not His Reprefentative or Head. Though the debtor may be laid , in Law fenfe , to have paid his creditor , in his Sure - tys payment; Yet the Surety cannot be faid to be contrading debt , in the V 2 debtor,