166 Mr. Goodwin's Arg, againft Imput. an f vered. C x A P. 12 debtor, for the.debtor'sdeed cannot affect him , untili he voluntarily fub. mit himfelf to be Surety which may be after the debt is already contrasted by the debtor. And to fay , in this Lam fenfe, that 13eleevers Suffered in Chrift , doth net weaken the ground of our 1uftification, abfulution,, Ac- ceptation , & Healing , as is manifetled above , unlefs we turn. Socinians; & then upon this fame ground , we may deny all the Satis fa6tion of Chrift. Obj. Is. pig. i68.1 If the Ijìhteoufnefs of Chrift be imputedlto us , then are we ju fli fled , at leafl in part , by the ceremonial Lase; becauje part of that Rjghteoujnefi, which Chrift wrought , flood in obedience to the ceremonial Law. But this is not true. Ergo &c. Anf. We are nor laid to be juftified either by the Moral, or by the Ceremonial Law ; But by the righteoufnefs of Chrift,' which confifted in yeelding perfeEt obedience to the Law of God & in anfwereing all the demands of the Law in the behalf of His owne. And fo , though the Law doth not luftifieus, becaufe we are finners; yet nei- ther can the Law now condemne us , becaufe Chrift our Suretÿ, hash per - feftly fulfilled it, & given full Satisfaälion to the Law Via, for our vio- lation thereof, And, in this matter, the Ceremonial Law is not to be feparated from the Moral , it beingbut a branch , or an Appendix thereof,. & enjoined thereby : for the Moral Law faith , that God muff be worfhip- ped only that way , which Himfelf bath prefcribed , & that Ceremonial worfhip being the then Indicated worfhip of God , whofoever knowing this did not worthip God after that manner; did violat the Second ofthe Mo- ral Law which became not Hirn to do , who came to fulfill all righteouf.- nefs. And thus the righteoufnefs of obedience, that is Imputed , is Mora!, or righteoufnefs confining in obedience to the Moral Law. And this is wholly imputed to all beleevers , whether of Jewes, or of Gentiles, in reference to their own Redemption , or delivery.. The objettion, which he frameth againft himfelf. vii That the Moral Righteoufnefsis Sufficient , d4` the other needeth not be imputed, is noneof ours, as appeareth.by what isfaid;. for we do not exclude the Ceremonial, But reduce it to the Moral, obe- dience to that being enjoined by thin. Obj. 16. Chap. i9. If the ß:ghteoufnefr of Chrift be imputed to us, then are fur jtnnes imputed to Chrift, the fame manner. But this is not fo. Ergo. The Minor he proveth thus If the limes ofMen be imputed toCbrift, then God looks upon Flim , reputes Him, in Hisl Sufferings , as one that truly really bad provoked Him , :15 finned againfl Him. Anf. This confequence is denied; for no loch Reputation, or Eftin;ation followeth upon the Imputation, which we a %rt ,. as hach been already cleared : only this will follow, that Chrift being, through His. own willing content , in our Law - place, as our Surety, & having undertaken to pay out debt, He was exa6ted upon, & dealt with by justice, as if He had been the true finner, though He knew no fin; as Beleevers, having Chift'srighteoufnefsimputed to them, are dealt with , as if they had°kept the Law , & made Satisfa tion by them - felves. But as God loth not look upon them, nor efteem, nor confider them, nor repute thein, as having really fulfilled the Law ìn theirown Phpfical Ferrous ; fo nor loth He look upon, elteem., confider or repute Chrift to have 1