C r A P. i2. Mr:Goodwin's Ari. again!! "lmput. anf 'ered. 171' who have no righteoufnefs ? Shall we think, that the Righteous judge fhall pronounce & declare him to be Righteous , who is not fo ? ( 2. ) He may think to warde this of by his parenthefis ; But , I pray what is that other righteoufnefs , that holds any analogy Or proportion to the righteoufnefs, required by the Law of God z Is that the fingle At of faith ? Sure , that mutt hold a very unproportionable proportion & a poor analogy unto Obedience to all commands of God ! I need not take notice of that word legali righteoufnefs literally fo called; for he bath many fuch of little other ufe, than to amufe the Reader , & darken the matter ( 3. ) If by this propor- tionable righteoufnefs, he mean. the righteoufnefs of Chrift , which may be raid to hold an analogy to the righteoufnefs of the Law , which man was obliged to performe , which poffìbly he underftandeth by a legal righ- teoufnef i literally dg properly fo called , he fpeaketh truth & yeeldeth the cau- fe ; for that is it , we contend for. But afterward he feemeth to tell us , what he meaneth by analogical righ- teoufnefs, faying So may God , with ar much righteoufnefs d? truth , pronounce, ç call or account a man righteous, that is not firickly properly or literally, fuch, if he hash any qualification upon him, that any way anfivereth , or holdeth pro- portion , in any point, with fuch a righteoufnefs, as be should do , in cafe this man had this legal righteoufnefs upon him, in the ab folutef perfeWQnofthe letter. Anf. And who may not fee the folly of this Reddition , to inferre this from. the Lord's calling John Baptif Elias & the like ? Will he make the Lord's pronouncing fentence in judgment , as a righteous judge ( as He Both in the matter of juftification ) to be fuch a figurative' (peach, as when John Baptifl was called Elias , becaufe he had fome refernblance to E1ias,when be came in his Spirit & power ? Will he be accounted a righteous judge, upon earth , who in judgment should pronounce that man righteous, who in [lead of the righteoufnefs he should have had , bath only one poor qualification upon him., that force way or other holdeth proportion with it, in any point ? If fo it will be a great queflion , if ever any wicked man can be condemned, feing it will be rare to finde one, that bath never all his dayes done force thing , that anfwereth to the Law , in force poor way or meafure , as to fame one point or other. Yea, if we might drive this further , it might be made probable, that hence it would follow, that all the world should be juftified even in the fight of God. But enough of this, which is too too grofs. Yet we heare not v. hat that qualification is. He faith , when God pronounceth a man righteous, it is fufficient to beare out the juftice d7 truth ofGod, if kit. perfon'6e under any fuch relation, d? condition, QS belongeth to a legal righteoufnefs , or which a legal rigbteoufnefs would caf upon him. Anf. What before was called a Qhal'ification, is here called a Rela- tion , or condition; & thefe feem not to be one & the fame thing : But what if that Relation, or condition have no foundation, how shall the Lord, upon that accotint , pronounce fuch a perfon righteous ? or , though it be not founded upon a legal righteoufnefs , performed by the mans felt in his own perfon, yet may it not be founded upon a Surety - righteoufnefs im- puted ? X But