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+5r°f F, z 7 z Mr. Goodwin's Avg. agaanß I mplrt. an fivered. C IA A P. t 3, But what is ,: s ? tie addeth , Now one ¡pecial privilege or benefice be- longtrg to a po. .d legal righteoufnefs , is to free theperfon , sn whom st is found, from death e condemnation , d? he that hail: his fir, forgiven him , is par - taker with hi in in the fulnefì of this privilege, is as free of condemnation , as be An': But he bath not yet proved , that any titan is pardoned , without the Imputed righteoufnefs of Chrift : & betide, righteoufnefs bringeth with it as a fpecial privilege or benefite , right to the prorrifed Inheritance of Glory ; But a pardoned man , as fuch , bath not chi. Right , nor yet can challenge it , as was showne above. Moreover, if God pronounce a Man righteous , becaufe he is pardoned , then the man mutt be pardoned , be- fore he be jullrfied; for in luftification he is declared & pronounced Righ- teous, & not made fuch : & it he be pardoned , before he be jutbfied don is not the forme ofjuftification, nor the whole thereof, as he faith, but rather tomething ameLedent thereto. What in fine he faith , is but what we have often heard vi That forgive- nets of /ìns, is a ttue & compleat righteoofnefs, in the kind , a pafiìve rrgh- teoutnefs, as abfolute & perfect in the kind of it , as any Adììve nghteoufneft: And j'or hs,n that hat!' once finned, there is no other r ighteoufnrfs applicable tohim, but only tbs , which for all other ends , purpofes , advantages , privileges what font ever , ss a offettual as the attive righteoufnefs it Jelfcould be. Anf. (i.} No Scriptu, e talleth pardon of fins a righteoufnefs ( 2.) A paflive righreonf- nefs is no righteoufnefs , as we lately made appear. (3.) That another righ- teoufnefs, even the pofitive Surety - righteoufnefs of Chrift, is applicable unto a finner , hath been hithertil evinced. ( 4. ) pardon , as fuch , can give no Right to the reward , promifed to obedience ; & therefore can- not be as etfettual , as an active righteoufnefs, to all Ends , purpofes, Ap- vantages & privileges. Obi. 2I. Chap. za. That , which having been dine , in our own perfon, could not have been our full; fication, nor any pare of the righteoufnefs, by which we could have been jufit fled, cannot be made our juflification, nor any part of it by Imputation from another. But [itch is the righteoufnefs of the Law pretended to be imputed from Chrit. Ergo &c. Anf. ( t. ) We do not call the righ- teoufnefs of Chrilt our juftrfication ; nor do we fay , that it is made our juftification or any part of it , by Imputation unto us : nor yet do we ma- ke it a parr only of the righteoufnefs, by which we are juflified; for His righteoufnefs is the whole of that righteoufnefs : Nor by His Surety - righteoufnefs imputed to us , do we underhand only His Attive obedience to the Law. (i.) He here Suppofeth that we fay , there is nothing im- puted to us, in order to our jultificarion, but Chrift's Obedience to the Law, without His Satisfattioo by Suffering : And thus we fee , the maine pillars of this Argument are weak, & its whole foundation being Tandy, it cannot Rand. He confirmeth the Mafor rhtrs. If a perfonal fulfilling of the Law could ha- ve been no /uf ification, nor part of jufliffcation to us, certainly an Imputative fulfilling of it could not have been either. The Imputation of a thing from another cannot adsfc any flrength soot, above a per Tonal ailing , yet the Nature of lulu- Silt100