Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. 1 Z. Mr. Goodwin's Arg, againfi Imput. anfivered. i, î cation : but this is fo far from proving that therefore there is no neceffity for the Righteoufnefs of Shrift , that , on the contrary , it eftablìfheth that truth more firmly : for the faith , that is required unto juftification , is not a bare hiftorical faith but inch a faith , as carrieth the beleever out of himfelf, to feel( a Rightcoufnefsin Chrilt , & declareth his full Satisfaction therewith , & his retting thereupon, in order to his Acceptance with God, & being juffified & abfolved from the fentence of the Law , under the con- viction of which he was lying. (5) Th.e (cope and drift of this Objetlicnis to feparat thefe things , that God hath molt firmly and manifeffly conjoined vi t. God's Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift , and our Receiving that gift of Righteoufnefs by faith,and the atonement through faith. But as was shown above, the Scripture holdeth forth the neceffity of both , and what God bath conjoined let no man feparate. To this he faith. If the Righteou frtef r of Chrifl be that , which is imputed , ¿. not the faith , that is required of them , then may Ibis Righteoufnefs be Impu ted to this end ,;before, yea 5 without the faith of any man; for this faith adds no vertue , or valuetothat I.ighteoufn fr. Anf. This being God's free Con(titu- tion , His will should ferve us fQ.r a Law ; and in ficad of too curious enqui- ring , whether thismight be, or not be without the other , or before the other , we should reltfatisfred with God's Method ; & therein carry more like Chriftians, than in making inch obleétions againft His exprefs determi- nations. What thoughit were granted that God might , if it had fo plea - fed Hirn , impute the Righteoufnefs of Chrift unto (inners , before , or without their faith ; will it therefore follow , that now faith is unnecefláry ; or, if faith be afferted to be neceffary, that thereforetheImputation of Chriff's Righteoufnefs muff be denied ? Why ? what ground can be given for fuch fictions ? Nay , will not this be as (trong againtt the objecters if Chrift made full Satisfation tojuflice,what neceffity is there for the Imputa- tion of faith untoRighteoufnefs ? Thus we fee, the object er muff either tur- ne fully Socinian, or reje& this way of argueing. But he will not refi fatisfied with the goòd pleafure of God, in thsis mat- ter; for he addeth pag. 186. if the will d?' pleafure of God be to maI a no Im- putatiou of the Rjghteoujnefr ofChrifi, but upon the Condition of faith intervee- ning, then it is evident, that this Righteoufnefs is not imputed unto juftification to any man, becaufe the Condition of faith muff necef'arily interveen; fo othatif this Rjghteoufnefr ofChrifl were imputed untomen , yet it muff be only towards ju fii ftcation, not unto it ; for faith bath the next d2° moil immediat connexion there - with. Anf. Not to trouble our felves with.that fonde & foolish diftinetion be- twixt towards & unto, which rather renders the Adverfaries Caufe defperat, & himfelffaine to shelter himfelf under fuch Figleaves,to cover his nakednefs, than evidenceth any apparent probability of a real ground of Scrupling here. We fay , That the imputation of Chrifl's Righteoufnefs , which is God's Act, hathasimmediataconnexion with juitification, as Faith hath, which is our Aä : for there is no priority or pofteriority here , as to time ; for whenfoever a Man beleeveth , in that fame inflant, Righteoufnefs is im- puted; and in that fame luttant, the beleever is juffified We cannot fay , X 3 aMan