Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

¡80 Mr. Goodwin's Arg. again!! Iinput. anfwered. C H A P. 12. that is , death both in body & Sotil , here & hereafter : Whence it is ma- nifeft, that punifhment being relative to fin , fuch as are punifhed becau- fe of tan , mufi be tanners , & judged to be (inners & fo guilty , before they be punifhed for fin , Adam being the Head & Root of Mankind & God entering into Covenant with him , as fuch , & therefore with all his po- flerity in him , when he broke the Covenant & tranfgreffed , all Man kind defcending from him by ordinary generation being comprehended with him in the Covenant became actually partakers of that guilt , fo loon as they did partake of Nature actually ; & being really guilty when exitling , they were luflly punifhed. But if this guilt were not imputed to them , they could not be juftly punifhed for it. On the contrary , he thinks they might be jufHly punifhed for that fin , though not guilty thereof : & he laboureth to eflablifh this upon three pil- lars. I. The demerite ( faith he ) d?' frnfulnefs of thatfin which had fomany ag- gravations , and in this regard , was beyond thefin of devils , that Adam had the efl ter of all his poflerity in his hand dT knew , that if he finned , he fhould draw altheir fòuls after him into the fameperdition. Anf. But if by _Adam's having the eflates of all his pofterity in his hand , this truth be not included, that his fin should become their fin & they should be looked upon as guilty thereof, & chargable therewith ; how could he know , that by his fin he- fhould draw the fouls of all his pofterity after him into the famecondemna- tion! And how could they be punifhed for that fame guilt,.. if it was not fare way theirs , by the juf & righteous Judge & Governour of the world? The pofterity can no more be juflay punished for the great & hainous fins of their progenitors , than for their Lefler finnes, if they have no interefl in thefe finnes , nor partake of the guilt thereof : But as to Original fin , the Scripture giveth the Sin , as the ground of the punifhment & maketh the one to reach all , as well as the other , telling us Rom. 5: 12. that by one Man, fin maid, d in to the world , d? death by fin ; d? foldeath payed upon all Men, for that all havefinned ; or in whom all have finned. See vers 19. 2. The Narrownefe or fcantifnefs of Adam's perfon, who could not bear that fulne(s of punifhment, which God might require for that great fin; d? we cannot think, that God fhould fit down with lofr. Anf. This is his fecond pillar. But neither is it fufficient; for God could have punifhed Adam condiOly for his fin: but when the poflerity is punifhed for that fin allo, that in mua be theirs. Though for great crimes, as Treafon & the like, thePofieriry fuffereth , when theguilty is forfeited A. yet the polleriry are not properly punifhed for that fin ; nor can be Paid to be fo ; as we are punifhed for Origi- nal fin, becaufe it is ours, Sc we finned in Adam. 3. His 3d. & maine pillar is, the peculiiird9 near relation of the poflerity of Adam to his perfon ; fir then they were in it , , as it were , a part , or fome what of it ; fo that Adam was us all , & we were all that one Adam , as Auguftine fpeaketh; & the whole generation of mankind is but Adam, or Adam's person, expounded at large. Anf. This is fufficient for us; for it will hold fòrth the Covenant relation, wherein Adam flood as reprefenting all hispollerity; & fo they were as well in him , & a part of him , in his fin as in his pu.. riifhment