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z 8, Mr. Baxter's opinion a bout Imput. examined. CdH A p. 13; fe, for whom He thus Obeyed and Suffered, muff in a juft and confequent fenfe, be accounted as Obeying & Suffering in Him, that is , there was fuch a Relation betwixt this Mediator , or Surety, and thofe, for whom He was a Mediator and Surety (in the purpofe & defigne of God appointing Chrift hereunto , & in the purpofe & defigne of Chrift undertaking, and aì1a11y performing what He undertook ) as gave them fundamentally an- other Intereft in His Obedience & Suffering , then others had , or could ha- ve, to & for whom He was no Mediator & Sponfor. 7. Whence Ch riff may be faid to have Obeyed and Suffered legally, in the perfon of , and as reprefenting others ; that is, in the confìruäion of the Law & Law-giver , not for Himfelf , but for others , in whore Law - place He did fubffitute Himfelf, undertaking their debt, in order to their Redemption. And though Beleevers , who now come to have an aäual Intereft in Chrift, cannot be faid to have done all this in and by Him that is , as by theirdelegat and Servant ( as Mr. Baxter elfe where expretheth it ) yet they may be faid to have done it in and by Him , Civilly , juridically or legally , as the debtor is by Law faid to have Satisfied the Creditor , in and by the Surety, who yet phyfically paid the debt by himfelf only, but le- gally in the perfon of the debtor, the debtor and Surety being in Law -con- fideration , but as one perfon , in fo far as , they concurre in , and are both obliged by one and the fame Obligation ; juft as the heir fucceding in jur dcfunbfi, is eatenus repute & faid to be una e eadem perfona with him; when- ce it is evident , that one payment made by either muff be accounted as ma- de by both , and doth in effect difholve the whole obligation ; and the con - fequently the debtor is aseffedually & juftly abfolved from all charge or dan- ger of Law , upon the account of that debt, as if he had paid the money out of his own purfe. But whether the terme of Morally, or Civilly, or Legally , or the like, be molt appofite , is of no great weight to occalone a debate, efpecially feing the thing it Pelf is fo well known to all, who know what it is to have a friend paying their debt , or Satisfying the Creditor for them, and in their behalfe; and thereupon bringing them out of prifon. Though I know, the cafe of pecuniary debts doth not in all things quadra- te with our cafe; yet it is fufficient to explicat what we are now upon. 8. We grant , That God reputeth the thing to be , as it is ; and therefore it is very true , that God reputeth Chrift to have obeyed and fuffered, as being in the Law-place of others , and as making Satisfaction for them; and them , for whom He fatisfsed, to be in another manner in Him , than any others whatever. 9. He addeth , e fo far imputeth Chrifl's Rdghteot: fnefs, as that it is repu- ted by Him, the true Meritorious caufe of our jufìi fication. But it was reputed and eflimate fo to be , before this Imputation ; for it was accepted as fuch : therefore Imputation muff denote fomething more, than this Reputation, even a reckoning of it (as it were ) now upon their Score , and accounting it theirs, or them to have a full, fpecial and atual Interefl therein, in or- der to their jufhification and abfolution from the charge of guilt and death brought inagaini them , whereby they are accounted and reckoned to be Righ-