Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C P1 A P. i;. Mr. Baxter's opinion about Imput. ex i nined, 1 Sq reputed both the agents & Subjects of the matter of His R.ighteoujnefr, morally , d? aljo ofthe formalIZ :Áhteoujnefi ofChrifß htmfelf. Ali thefe are but the effluvia of a bratne floteing & fwimeing in ill digeiled Philofophical Notions & School dregs, & contribute nothing to the clearing of Gofpel -Truth , which hath little or rather no affinity with aery Philofophical Notions, but tende ma- nifeflly to the darkening of the fame. But now , when all thefe Philofophi- cal Notions & Relations are at an end , & we can proceed no further, whe- re is that Imputation , which is legal , & plaine to everyordinary Man vi,t whereby the Satisfaction made to a judge & Governour fora clime commit - ted , by the delinquen''s friend ; or that payment & Satisf Linn made to the creditor, for the debtor, by a friend lnterpofing, is in Law- fenfeac- counted the delinquent's & debtor's; & he as really & effedually delive- vered out ofprifon therefore , as if he had made Satistathon in his own pro- per perfon , or had paid the femme out if his own Subflance ? It any Philo- fopher, after Mr. Baxter's manner here , fhould , with fuch Philofophical. , himfeyes , ( I call them fo for they are no other in this cafe ) laboure to difprove any fuch Imputation, & fay, it muff be in one of thofe five fenfea &c. would not any countrey man fmil(e at this e But now let us fee Mr. Baxter's frxtltfenfe, wherein he granteth the Impu- tation of Chriff's Righteoufnefs. Or elfe ( faith he ) by Imputation is meant here Chrifii being truely reputed to have taken on the Nature of fnful Man , d? ecome an Head for all true Beleevers in that undertaken Nature dT office , in the perfon of a Mediator, to havefulfilled all the Law impofed upon him , by per- fed Holinefs d9' obedience , d offering himfelf on thecrofs a facrifice for our fins , voluntarily fufring in our ffead as if He had been a firmer ( guilty of all our fins ) as f bon as we beleeve , we are pardoned , 3ufit fled , Adopted for the fa- ,(e d9' Merites of this Holinefs, obedience & Penal SatisfaEfion of Chrifi, with as full demonftration of divine 3ufiice , at leaf?, dI' more full Demonfiration of His wtfdcm d? Mercy , than if we had fuf ied our elves what ourfirmer deferved (that is , been damned) or had never finned. And fo Rjghteoufnefr is imputed to us , that is , we are accounted or reputed Righteous ( not in relation to the Precept, that ir, innocent or finlefs , but in relation to the Retribution , that is fuch as ha- ve right to impunity e' Life) becaufe Chrift's forefaid perfe& Holinefs, Obe- dience & Satisfadion , tnerìtedour pardon & Adoption and the S,irit; or merited the New Covenant, by which, as an -infirument, Pardon, juflification d? A- doption are given to Beleevers , and the Spirit to be given to Santtifie them ; and when we beleeve, we are jufily reputed Inch, as have right to all thefepurcha- fed gifts. As to this I fhall only note a few things (t.) Chrifl's fulfilling of the Law impofed on Him , doch not hinder, but that He paid our debt , & to came in our Law -place , & fubilirute Himfelt in our room , to do what we fhould have done & to Puffer what we fhould have Puff; red according to the Law, in all the effentials & Subflantials of that punifhment : for had He not done this, He could not be faid to have iùffered in our (lead : for he only fuffereth in the room & (lead of another , who fuffereth what that other fhould have fuffered. If one be condemned to fufferdeath, another thatTuffereth only Z 2 Impri