196 Mr. Baxter's opinion about Imput. examined. C H A P. 13. our obtaining of Pardon and Right to glory. But moreover, where isour Righteoufnefs? For Pardon is no Righteoufnefs; neither is juftification, Adoption , or Right to Glory properly a Righteoufnefs ; But do prefuppo. fe a Righteoufnefs, after which we are enquiring, and cannot finde that Chrifl is made to be that to us; and confequently , either faith muff be it, or there is noue. The other fenfes are 2. In that He is the legiflator , Teflatcr d9 donor ofotrr Pardon & jujlification by this new Covenant. 3. In that He is the Head of Influx, king ¿r Intercejj'our, by whom the Spirit is given to SanEtifie us to God , d7 cat, fe :is fincerely performe the Conditions of the auflifying Covenant. 4. in that Heir the righteous judge if juflifier of Beleevers by fentence ofjudgment. Anf. All there three will make the Father to be our Righteoufnefs , as well as the Son : for He is legiflator ; He draweth to the Son & fendeth the Spirit to Sandtifie us, & He j udgeth by the Son & juflifieth. (2. ) But none of thefe nor all of there give us the true Import of that glorious Name , according to the true, (cope of the place jer. 23t 6. of which we have fpoken above. In like manner ( n. 32. ) he giveth us four fenfes of thefe words , we are made the Righteoufnefs of God in Him. The 1. is , In that , as he was ufed like a f nnerfor us ( But not efleemed one by God) fo we are ufed like innocent perEons, fo far as to be faved by Him. Anf. As He was ufed by God like a finner, fo was He legally accounted a finner , otherwife God would not have ufed Him as a firmer. Therefore if we be ufed like innocent perlons, we mitt be in od's efteem , legally & juridically innocent , through Chrift's Righteouf- nefs imputed ; & fo mutt be faved by Him. The z. is , in that through Hit Merites , es' upon our union with Him, when we beleeve content to His Co- venant, we are pardoned& juffifZed, ¿r Jó made Righteous really , that is ftrch, as are not to be condemned , but glorified. Anf. As I faid , neither pardon, nor juftification maketh us Righteous, but fuppofe us to be Righteous; and the- refore, in juftification we are declared & pronounced Righteous, & the- reupon pardoned. Moreover , all our Righteoufnefs, that we have, in or- der to juftification & pardon , is, according to Mr. Baxter, mir Faith, which is, & is reputed robe , our Golpel Righteoufnefs ; & is Paid to be proper- ly Imputed to us : & thus Chrift fuffered in our flead , that our faith might be accounted our Righteoufnefs. Though pardon will take away condem- nation yet (as we have cleared above) more muff be had, in order to Glorification. His 3. & 4. are. In that the divine Nature io' Inherent Righteouf- nefs are fur His merites. In that God's ju(lice & holinef , truth , wifdom ds. mercy are all wonderfully Demonflrated , in this way of Pardoning &juflifying of finners by Chrifl. .Anf. This laft hath no ground, as the fenfe of the words; And as for the. 3. Before he make it the fenfe of the place. 2Cor. 5: 21. he mutt fay, That Chrift was a finner inherently (which were blafphemy ) for o- therwayes that beautiful correfpondence, that is betwixt the Firfl & the Lail part of the verfe, muft be laid a fide, contrary to the manifeft fcope of the place. He tels us (n. 36. pag. Cr. ) It is an errour, contrary to the fcope oftbeGo- fpel, to Jay, that the Law of Works, or of Innocency, doth juflifieus, as per - formed