Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. i 3, Mr. Baxter's opinion about limpid. examined. 197 formed either by our felver , or by Chrifi : for that Law condemneth &curfeth ur; we are not efficiently juflified by it , but from, or againfi it. Anf. I (hall not fay , that we are juiified by the Law of works efficiently ; yet I hope, Mr. Baxter will not fay , that upon the fall , that Law , or Covenant was qui- te abolifhed & annulled; & if it was only difpenfed with , in order to the admitting of a Surety , which it did not provide or give place to , in its primitive Inftitution , we may faifly fay , That it mu(' be fatisfied both as to the commands , & as to the penalty , ere we can efcape wrath & obtaine Life: for this Law Paid ( as himfelf confeffeth pag. 63. ) Obey Perfe?ly dr Live, finnedr dye . And though it condemne & curie us (inners; Yet it bath nothing to fay again[) our Surety ; nor again(' any clothed with His Su- rety- righteoufnefs, whereby all the demands of this Law and Covenant were Satisfied. Hence he invferreth (n. 37.) Therafore, we have no Righteoufnefs, in IZe- ality , or Reputation formally ours , which confifleth in a conformity to the precepti- ve part of the Law of Innocency : we are not reputed Innocent; But only a Righ- teoufnefs, which conffleth in Pardon of all fin , dT right to Life ( rnith fìncere per- f ormance ofthe condition of the Covenant ofGrace , that ir, true faith) Anf. Ifby formally ours, he mean Inherently ours , I grant what he here faith : but I deny it, if by formally ours, he meane that , by which we may be denomi- nated formally Righteous : for by Imputation we have a Righteoufnefs whereby we are formally righteous , legally & Juridically ; & this Righ- teoufnefs muff needs confia in conformity to the Lawes commands. It is true , we are not repute inherently Innocent ; Yet we are repute non -fin- ners legally ; & hence cometh our Pardon & Right to Life, which of it felf is no Righteoufnefs, but the Refult of a Righteoufnefs So that with him Beleevers have no Righteoufnefs, in order CO jullification , but faith, the Gofpel Righteoufnefs , as was faid above , & this he faith here in effeót, & yet more plaincly & fully pag. 64. He addeth (n. 38. pag. 6z.) our Pardon puts not away our guilt of fad orfault, but our guilt ofand obligation to punsfhment. God dotó not repute us fvch, as never - finned, or fuck, as by our Innocency merited heaven; but fuck ar are not to be damned but to beglorified, becaufe pardoned d? Adopted , through the Satisfaction !r meritee ofChrifi. Anf. Though pardon , as pardon , will do no more, than he here granteth ; Yet Righteoufnefs & juffification prefuppofing Righteoufnefs will take away the Reatum culpa; not as if it would make us fuch as never finned, for that is Impofiible; but becaufe by Righteoufnefs imputed, we are now re- puted finlefs Legally , that is , not guilty of the fa&t in order to punífhment, at this mu(' be, that we may not only not be damned , but may be glorifeed, according to the Conftitution, that faid , Obey perfeilly as live. And thóugh now every pardoned man {hall be glorified ; Yet that is not meerly and for- mally upon the account of Pardon ; but becaufe no man is pardoned , till he have the compleet Righteoufnefs of Chrift, confuting in obedience and in Suffering , imputed to him , whereby betide pardon , he obtaineth a right to glory. He cometh to cleare the matter of Imputation of Chri (''s Righteoufs, by A a 2 the 7.