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C a-r A P. 1 z. ß,4r. Baxter's opinion about Impute examined. 199 teoufnefs , whereupon they become Righteous , in the fight of God, they are juftified , pardoned & receive a right to the Crown. And though the difference here may appear to be but final] , yet to me it is fuch , that by Mr. Baxter's way. the whole frame of the Gofpel is changed ; & fuch , as hold it, do in my judgment , clot only confound , but alter the caufes of jul}ifi- cation. If that , which Chrifi did by His Merites, was to procure the New Covenant, what was there in Adam, that can be fail to anfw ere this, or hold correfpondence with it ? " 'ith us, the Parallel runneth (moodily and clearly , thus. As by vertue of firit Covenant , whereof Adam was the head, engaging for all his Natural Pofterity , fo loon as they partake of Nature, & thereby become a &ua.l members of that Political Body , partake of Adam's guilt, or breach of the Covenant , which is imputed to them; & there upon (hare of the confequences thereof, as in-medially reft{lting therefrom , to avit , the corruption cf the whole Nature,. Privative &poficive, wrath & the curie &c. This hicnfelf afferteth pag. 34. So by vertue of the Second Covenant; whereof Chrifi,. the Second Adam is Head, , engaging for all His Spiritual pollerity , they , fo loon as they come to partake of His fpiritual Nature, & fo become members otHis myflicalbody ( which is by a Phili- cal, fupernatural operation , conveyed morally and Covenant wayes, ac- cording to the Good pleafure of His will, & according to His wifdom, who doch all things well & wifely ) are made partakers ofChritl's Righteoufnefs, which is imputed unto them ; &thereupon dolhare of the Confequences, which doimmediatly refult theref om, váß, of juftificati.on,. pardon , Adop- tir)n & Right to Glory. He addeth { n. 44. ) Though the perfon of the Mediator be not really or repu- tatively , the very perfon of eachfinner ( nor fo manyperfons as there are ftnners, or Leleevers ) yet it doth belong to theperfon of the Mediator , fo far ( limitedly ) to Lear the perfon of a (inner , and to fl and in the place of the perfonsof allfinnerr, at to bear the punifhment they deferred, dT to fur r fir then fins. Al; We do not imagine, that the Phvfical petfonof the Mediator is, either really or repu- tatively , the Phyfical perfon of each finner.. It is enough for us to fay , that the Mediator is an Head , Surety & publick perfon ; and fo, that He & Be- leevers are one legally and juridically. And we judge alto , that it belongeth to the perfon of the Mediator , being Surety, to Satifie for the whole debt of there , for whom He is Surety : & therefore mull not only fo far (land in the place of (inners , as mSuffer for their fins & bear the puuifhment they deferved; But alto give that perfe&obedience, which they were obliged unto, and were not able to performe, or pay. Ike granter h ( n. 45. pag. 67.) that Morally it may be laid, that Chrifl's Righted ffnefs was ,given to us, in that the thing purchafed by it was given to us , as the money , given for the ranfome of the Captive , may befaid mo- rally to be given to the captive, though Phyfically it begiven to the Con - querour. But neither this fimilitude , nor yet the other, ofa mans being.faid to give another fo much money , when he giveth him the land, bought the- rewith do tit come home to the point in hand : for there is a veer & clofse. union betwixt Chrift & Beltevers , which union is not fuppofed in thefe ca- A a 3 Í c3