Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. Mr. Baxter's opinion of Chrift's Slsrtyshipe a mmintd. legally accept of the Debtor, & cannot put fue him in Law , but muff look upon him , as no debtor &c. 5. It is one & the fame legal effect. Chrift crucified in the Spirit & rifetr againe z. Tire. 3: i6. & we in H"in, as in the Meritorious Cade, are le- gally Iuftified. Mr. Gilefpyinhis late piece Chap. z1. bath feveral things , which will both cleare up & confirme what is laid ; we ¡hall mention only a few. pag. 373, 374. He tell us, [ that 3. Suretifhip imports not only a voluntary obligation for another perfon , but alto union of parties, & Afl'umption of the Condition of that perfoi , in the lawes fenfe ; fo that the Surety & debtor are but one party in Law : therefore fay the jurifts, frdejußorpro- prie dicitur debitor. Chrift , by His Suretyfhip did not only take out Na- tures upon Hirn , but H. took outer condition upon Him. He put His name in our Bond , that the Law migÁ reach Him for our debt. 4. It imports a Communion betwixt the debtor & the Cautioner, whereby as the debt of the Principal debtor , becometh the debt of the Surety & affeCteth him; fo alfo the SatifaClion & Payment of the Surety & his Difcharge & Re- liefe , becometh the Satiffaction,. Difcharge & Reliefe of the principal Debtor. Chrift's Suretifhip imports not only an Union of Parties & Con - junclion of interefls & Condition with His People ; but alfo a Commu- nion with Debtf it broken Man , refulting from His Bond of Suretifhip;: whereby as upon the one part our Debt becometh His intirely , as the ju. Or fay of all Sureties, Sing/di , in folidum tenenter fo upon the other part His Satiffaction & Difcharge become ours z. Cor. 5. la/I Gal. 3 :13. I. It imports a Cormnutation , Surrogation, or Subflituting of one in the room of another ; & fb Chrift was fubflitute in our Read & room , as Judah was in Benjamin's. it Pet. z: 2t. Rom. q.. laß & 5: S. Gen. 44: 33.] So pag. 3S1.. His Alert. 5.. is [ Chrift the Surety & broken man the Debtor are one in Law , but not intrinfecally one Efai. 1. They are legally one or in the. Lawes feule one ; becaufe by a legal Subftitution & furrogation , Chrift having put His name in the Beleevers Bond , by the Law He is in his pla- ce , & the beleever is put in Chrift's law -place : fo that by a Ieÿa1 aCt, the Surety is the broken man : therefore Chrift , being made Surety,. faith., I am the broken man , all my friends debts be upon me ,, my life: for their life , my foul for their fouls Gal.4: 4, 5. Joh, IS: S. Gen. 44 :v. 3,,. .Ajfertr Neither the creditor, nor the Law can exact Satiffadion from both the Surety & the Debtor ; but the Surety having paid all & SatifIìed the broken debtor can fay, I have paid all , I am free ; he may plead, my friend & Surety bath done all for me, & that is as good in fore in the co irt of juflice, as if had paid all in mine own Pedon. Gal. 3: 13. Isom, 4.: laft. I. Pet. z: 24. The debt , that Chrift paid, is our very debt, the beleever can lay , when Chrift my Surety was judged & Crucified for my fins , then was I judged; & what would you have more of a man , than his life ? Efai. 53: 6, 7, S.]. So thereafter pug. 422. he faith [ Among. men. ufually , Sureties & Debtors enter into one & the fame Bond with the. Creditor ; but here Chrift's fingle bond lyeth for all Pfal. S9: ig. here - B b 3.. Chrifd 207 .5 k .i: