Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

2o3 Mrs Báxrc :'s fenfe of Chrift's Suretisbipe ermined. C H A P. 14 Chrift our Surety bath changed Bonds & obligations with us, &putteth out our name , & putteth in His own , in the bloudy Bond of the Law , that the Debt, SatiffaCtion & Curie may be upon Him alone G41. 3: 13. Efai. 53:5. 2. Among men , the Creditor bath it in his choice , which of ire t wo he will feize upon , the Surety , or the debtor , as he feeth it beft for his SatiffaCtion : but it is not fo here for the Lord , the Creditor hath de- dared , that He will take Him to Chrift for all ; & hath Determined , that all the Satisfa &tion (hall be made by Him : and Chrift the Surety is content that it (hall be fo , and that the poor broken Creature (hail go free , and no execution of the bloudy Bond of the Law fhall paffe againft him , he being a bankrupt creature , which bath obtained a liberation , as where there is cef: frobonortutn Pfal, 89: 19. Heb. Io: 7. R, rrt. 8: I, Efa :. 53: 6. 3. Among men, ufually the Principal Debtor is firft conveened for the debt, before the Surety be purfued : But it is not fo here , the curie of the Law , and the execution of the bond thereof doth not fir(t ftrick upon us, and then afterward upon Chrift , to feek from Him what it cannot finde in us : But the Lord, the Cre- ditor , having afiricked Himfelf to the Cautioner., the Law ftricks Eft u- pon Him, and can never come to alike againft the Beleever, unlefs it fhould not finde compleet Satisfacuion in our Surety, which is Impoflìble Efai. 53: S. Gal. 3: 13. 4. Among men the debtor is the Principal Bondfman and his obligation and Bond is the Principal obligation; & the Sureties obliga- tion is but an acceflîon to it, for ftrengthening the Security : but here the Surety is the Principal debtor ; and by His Bond of Suretifhip, He bath chan- ged the Nature of the Beleevers Bond and Obligation , and put His own name in it, fo as He is become the Principal Debtor. His Suretifhip bath fwallowed up the Debtor's Obligation to fatisfie juftice, the Surety being the Head and Hufband of the poor broken Debtor RZom. 7:4. and having changed the Bond of Satisfal.Uon . and put out our Name, and put in his own, whereby He hath transferred the debt upon Himfelf, as Principal Debtor Heb. Io: 7. 9. Among men , ufually the broken Debtor's Name ftands (till in the Bond, even after the refponfal Surety hath intervee- ned : But here Jefus, the Surety of the New Covenant, when He put in His own name, He puts out our names, that the Law might reach Him , and might not at all reach us.OHe wrote Himfelf the firmer legally,and wrote us Righteous perforas. 2Cor. 5: 2I. jet, 50: 20.7 CHAP.